We need void storage

My whole bank is full with deleted vanilla items


delete them and item restore. let them sit in your mailbox. rinse and repeat every year

Just curious what the purpose is of storing that old vanilla crap? Is that just for nostalgia purposes?

need more characters to post

Are they soul bound? If not, mail them to an alt, you may even create personal baking guild and unlock guil bank pages.

I second this wholeheartedly!
Please Blizzard, reconsider removing the Void Storage from Classic. It’s still in retail too! :cry:

Everything that I could store elsewhere is already at a bank alt or in the guild bank.
But there are still so many soulbound items, letters, unique quest items or rewards, holiday items, things that have been removed from the game. My bank and bags are overflowing. :grimacing:

I know most of that stuff is worthless, but to me WoW is a roleyplaying game first and foremost and so much of that stuff holds deep nostalgia. Would my dwarf really throw away the ring that was given to him by Bronzebeard himself for saving Ironforge? Never! And other stuff just has a lot of meaning to me as a player.

Yeah, players that feel this way are probably a minority, so I understand if this is not high up on Blizzards ToDo-List. But there are others in my guild that feel the same way, so please reconsider removing this feature. :pray:

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