What a silly thing to say, if Blizzard allow it, then it’s not cheating.
Blizzard are the only authority that makes the rules for WoW, it’s not like football where there’s an independent body that makes the rules for the whole sport.
Technically Vinnem is not wrong pressing 1 action to get 5 times the amount of items be it with Blizz’s blessing or not is a form of cheating especially as it gives them a better grip on manipulating the economy.
Oh i’m sorry, Blizzard decides what is cheating now? Sorry, but no.
Cheating isn’t a concept unique to WoW. Blizzard decides what is allowed, not what is cheating. They don’t have right’s to trademark what it means. xD
The definition of cheating is: “act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage.”
MB is definitely cheating cause you are gaining an advantage. 1 button press equals 1 action is the fair standard of all players except MB, wich use 1 button press for 5 actions. It cannot be any clearer.
2000’s were 20 years ago dude. It does require 3rd party software nowadays, it’s basically legal cheating with auto-targeting macros built in and auto-multiplying inputs to tens of clients.
Hell, even if mother account is botting, and others are just MB’d the only acc that can technically be banned by Blizz current policy is the mother account.
gosh, all this anti multiboxer talk, it’s like a new religion.
it’s troubling that the lives of “so many” have been tarnished by the scourge of multiboxers that plagues azeroth, perhaps the next expansion after shadowlands will be the anti multiboxer expansion where we are rescued from the multiboxers by a brave and courageous hero.
according to that logic, technically mouseover macros are cheating. you should only click first on the target, then click on the action button on the action bar on the screen and you must use a mouse to do it, other wise you are cheating.
you are wrong, multiboxing is done with blizzards own software. you do not need 3rd party software to multibox. you are permitted to use it. what you are saying is that because it’s possible to use 3rd party software to multibox and people do it then multiboxing is cheating, because you think 3rd party software is cheating. all wrong.
ok. but please give multiboxing a try, before you start telling people what it is and what it isn’t. and play world of warcraft a little bit too. i get the feeling that all these people complaining about multiboxing havne’t played world of warcraft for years and have no idea what the game is at this moment.
I did last month, leveled this toon to 120.
Couldn’t complete the essential questline in Vol’dun due to multiple stacks of ~20 MB druids spamming living hell of Sethreak.
Maybe it’s you who should stick your head out of your MB bubble? MB is interrupting basic gameplay of others.
I tried to complete quests, a druid train killed all the mobs for skinning,then the MB asked me to pay gold for him to give me kills,or so he would tell me when he plays.
Aaaand when i said no,he waited for me to target any mob then immidiatly kill it
You need to report that if its stopping you from getting what you paid for.
Starting a new religion against multiboxing on forums is a waste of your energy.
Contact customer services and tell them you paid your money but can’t play your game.
However I’m a sceptical, please explain what exactly you could not do that a multiboxer was stopping you from doing? I’ve reached 120 many times and had no problems that you describe.
Please be specific.
At the very least use the correct channels if you aren’t getting value for money.