We pay for multiboxers

Here is how it works:
You farm leathers on your character hoping to get some “raw gold” for whatever you are trying to get. After 15 minutes (IF YOU’RE LUCKY) there are 10 druids appearing, they get set up and BOOM! Your time is up. And you can do nothing. They claim that multiboxing is not against the rules. But when you see each of these druids instant cast-kill-loot-skin “macros” you can all but wonder…

Now to my point:
Most of these multiboxers on farms are paying for all their accounts with blizzard balance using tokens they get from the AH. At same time as NOT paying into the game (and blizzard itself) at all, they take over and destroy what players who pay their subscriptions with real money wanted to try.

You can say: just get over it etc but it does not seem fair when in a game you love you cannot get things you want simply because “BIG COMPANIES*” are winning again. *yes i call multiboxers that.

(EDIT: misspells)

taken from Plumpkin on moonglade forum,thought it deserved to appear in here


Isn’t it just nice to pay a subscription for a game which essentially has legal cheating?

/s just in case.


Farming MB’ers that impact other players are absolute scum.


that’s not even the worst legal cheat we have.

Selling gladiator mounts, pvp ranks, vision clears, mythic N’zoth mount, Curve achievement, Jaina mount and a whole list of other high or low end content sells.

That’s basically pay to win. You buy tokens, turn into gold and get your high end rewards that you look for with it.


the entire concept of tokens and boosts is forsaking the rpg ganre,and people know it.
you see account sales too,or things like ads on youtube for mythic plus carries for irl money

I currently stay just for RP and SL coming soon


As I see, both mutliboxers and boost sellers should be removed.


Why aren’t you farming leather in an instance? More gold, and noone else will interfere with your farming to begin with. Not multiboxers, not anyone else who saw in a video how X is a great farming spot.

Just go instances.


It is ordinary players that pay real money to buy WoW tokens, in exchange for in-game gold, that fuel the multiboxers etc.


Fixed it for you.

“It is ordinary players that pay real money to buy WoW tokens, in exchange for in-game gold, purchasing curve, buying M+15 boosts (because they fail at +2), purchasing BOE epics off the AH, that has nothing to do with Multiboxing etc.”

I’m sick of listening to the same crap from the same people every day who are spewing incorrect information who have had it explained time and time again but are literally too stupid to understand the situation.

If Multiboxing was banned today? You would all just move onto the next big thing you can blame and complain about and use as an excuse for being bad at the game!


Multiboxers number increased over they the years mostly for this 2 reasons:

WoW token and Multi tap nodes.

Remove any of them, and you will see many will quit multiboxing.


belive me when I say,that the tokens are one of the worst things to happen in WoW’s history


Why should we believe you? Why can’t you back up your statement with logic and reasoning?


I’m surprised Moonglade et al even has multiboxers, I know bots are/were common when I used to play there but MBers is incredible.

Anyway, Multiboxers deserve no rights. Go back to when it was a niche thing you’d see once in a while and mostly in PvP and not what it is today.

I do have reasoning- in a game calling itself an RPG ,the RP part also stands for character development and investment.

in an age where people buy boosts and gold,they dont invest themselves into their character,Blizzard forsake the RPG ganre by doing so.

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Using tokens to buy game time still gets cash for Blizzard so those Botters/Multiboxers are still paying into the game albeit indirectly.

There are a number of multiboxers that use a single alt on Moonglade to phase the rest of their druid trains over to the server.

Honestly not surprising when put that way, if the server is as dead as it’s been the past couple years its free no competition farm.

I actually agree multiboxers are an absolute nuisance, I lvl’d a new character a couple of weeks ago but I got to a certain quest where I had to drain the enemy of it’s essence before I could kill it, but the area was swarmed with 120 druids insta shooting enemies as they spawned, When I confronted them they told me to just go level in a dungeon and ended up with just trolling me by letting me tag an enemy with my quest item only for them to one shot it so I never got any progress.

Blizz needs to stop this getting out of hand


it is not dead,there are still rp communities,leveling guilds,(which luckily dont directly destroy events too much) and people are on

Wether Blizzard allows it or not, MB is cheating. I am hopeful that the day will come when they will realize that the lax on the rules for them, just gives Bots more room to flourish. I hope that then they will just give it up and declare them against ToS.
They should have never been allowed in the first place. If your only way to have fun with the game is to cheat by doing 5 actions with 1 button press, then you are not enjoying the game, you are enjoying exploiting.