We, players, can fix the wpvp faction balance issue

Taking on the wisdom of real world warfare, we’ll see that very rarely wars and battles were fought on even odds. But still wars were fought and the underdogs in many occasions won.

Not because they cried to a higher power to even those odds.
Not because they went to another realm were the odds favored them.
And surely not because they chose to abandon their lives.

But because in most cases they were better organized and outsmarted the enemy.

So the fix?

  1. Players get better organized in guilds that actually understand the situation and care to address it.

  2. Guild Leaders and Officers understand the situation and address it. Take measures to ensure that your guild forms alliances with other like-minded guilds. Do some guild merges if you see your active online members are getting less and less.

  3. Once you have a standard coalition of guilds with active players that are thirsty for wpvp, with a solid leadership and good communication… guess what happens.


Horde should stay strong! I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. ©

Can’t fix it with 36 DPS weapons :sob: Let’s gear up and give some hell! LFG!

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We can fix it when you respect the HEXIT result!

I agree with the original post, with tactics and strategy underdogs can gain the advantage.

This mostly touches the subject of world PvP, but the first step is to act in tandem with other guilds. We all have only so much members but hundreds make thousands etc. But I’d wager that most WPVP is usually pick-up-groups that are mostly made up of peeps joining because they just found out about the raid and they happen to be PvP-happy, not planned groups with preplanning. That’s sort of a ‘quantity over quality’ type of a solution that goes on regularily. Not saying there’s anything wrong with it, pugs are one of my favourite things!

For example a joint raid with, say, 3 different guilds is going to attack Southshore but the Alliance has got 5 raid groups defending the area. This is when the situation requires smart moves, not just standing in line taunting and trying to lure the enemy one by one to their death.

The group leaders communicate with each other to flank the enemy group, that’s a very basic example. Break the enemy concentration, make them divert their firepower to multiple directions and then make your move. For an example!

What does this sort of action require? All it (theoretically) really takes is 3 people who can keep their raid groups in order and communicate. We have the technology, Zandalar Tribe RP Discord server for example.

I have been waiting for the Horde War Council to make moves on this kind of a thing for awhile now wink

But to continue the example, of course the mighty forces of the Alliance will come and punish the Horde, after we have been causing enough trouble. It seems that the Alliance has the numbers on their side on this realm, so it is inevitable. That is if they are not busy somewhere else… Have decoy operations attack different places, again with cooperation of other guilds etc. And when confronted with growing Alliance numbers, move to another location and repeat.

I’m just brainstorming here but maybe I’m trying to say we should attempt more guerilla-style tactics, maybe it’s not “frontline honorable” but it’s a strategy.


If you Horde respond to our ganking, you do it in a good way by forming groups and steamrolling us with those on a regular basis. :grin:

Ah, it’s the honorless dwarf with his friendly sidekick Raikiri the hand of rag loot goblin!

What mischief will they get up to next? Will they gank 24/7 at UC gates? Who knows!


Unlikely, got a bit too contested there :yum:

Know your place, cow. It is at “Burger Brothers & Co.” over at The Commons, best burgers of Ironforge.

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The dwarf can take a joke! Great. See you in battle friend!

Ah… another original joke by yours truly ‘ginger beard’. You must be ready for Christmas, you’ll finally have a house!

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Ah, the banter is just lovely!

And they say PvP is all about killing the other faction’s players… I’d rather see some ego fights here as well grin

Finally someone with a grain of salt (OP).
I swear the world (of warcraft) has become a kindergarten full of crybabies :roll_eyes:

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