We were balanced around potential legendary that never was in game to begin with

Ok let me start by saying that while warriors can do “goodish” damage there is clearly very large difference between top performers and warriors. In M+ we are talking about almost 30% difference between DH and Warriors, in Raid we are talking about 10-20% difference in general. This are not small differences.

Situation is the same for Retribution Paladins and both Death Knights specs, if fact far worse, Fury seems to be best performing damage dealer in Raid out of all legendary specs and Paladins have upper hand in M+, DK is just awful.

This “legendary curse” is clearly a real thing, there is no way that 3 classes that are known to be hard hitters all of a sudden feel underwhelming, our classes and specs were balanced in anticipation of legendary and that legendary was not tested enough, and it came out underwhelming and weak, or that was the plan and they missed mark when it comes to balancing.

Given that such disparity in damage performance seems unjustifiable because legendary is not even that good, I think its about time we see some changes to these specs after a month and a half of underperformance.


There clearly was something going wrong on the back-end of the balance squad.

Likely, they thought the Legendary would be a lot more powerful than it was. Even after two buffs, it is still… not enough to bridge the gap.
By this gap i mean, they likely made a powergap between Legendary users and other classes to allow the Legendary to be super powerful and impactful. This gap in power was never bridged. So the situation now is that STR classes are weaker by default, and even after they get the powerspike Legendary… data shows they are still behind their non-legendary counterparts.

Should Legendary make sure STR users are the best DPS? I am not a 100% set on it. But, if STR users are being punished for having a Legendary coming - by being weaker baseline, then, I lean on the side of it should.

If we got to waddle through thick mud, while the other classes cross a cobblestone-bridge to get to the same end-point, then a reward for more effort seem fair.

Let us just hope that Blizzard devs, now after xmas is over, takes some time to look into this. Maybe even comment on the situation. So we know what to expect for the rest of the season.

Because, if we are behind - with the legendary - then it won’t really feel good to get one either. If the community perception becomes, “don’t be happy you got it, sure it is a neat statstick, but meh”. Then the whole Legendary ordeal has proven a flop.


The ret I play M+ with has had the Legendary for a couple weeks, it does a massive amount of damage over a dungeon, but that amount of damage added over a dungeon would not be enough to boost Arms to a point where it’s competitive. Though it really would make a big difference…

I’ve not seen a lot of people with the Axe so far though, and the parses I’ve seen of top players with it don’t really change the current situation at all. It becomes a bit like trying to play Arms Warrior in WOTLK, congratulations you got Shadowmourne now you can be mediocre and compete for spec parses, enjoy. Of course in WOTLK you can play Fury, but Shadowmourne has become mandatory to parse.

Warrior has been balanced in this patch to be “not overpowered” with the legendary, while almost nobody has it anyway. I mean how rare is the item? I don’t know but I’m farming it on 3 Warriors right now.

Killing Fyrakk multiple times a week ive yet to even see it drop for anyone let alone myself.

Seen a few people with it here and there but its still pretty rare which is ridiculous considering how bad it feels to be behind everyone else simply because of one item.

Let’s be honest, balancing DPS classes around an item that 5% of the player base will get is an old standard that needs to go.

Either we have it after 3 months of weekly farm (meaning 100% drop after +/- 12 kills), or you balance the class without taking this item into consideration. It’s from my POV a major fail in balancing showing a clear lack of vision from the Development teams & something that needs to be tackled in the few coming days.

Of course, we are still performing but there is nothing more annoying to see yourself mid pack with knowledge you can’t do anything, even this huge item farm won’t solve it.

If they are scared that the axe will create problems in Pvp, just kill it’s proc in Pvp or remove the possibility to use the axe completely there.


The legendary weapon should be a bonus for a class. Right now, the drop chance is frustrating because classes seem to be balanced around the legendary weapon. That is bad class design, especially because a lot of people don’t farm the final raid boss, and a lot of people who farm the final boss won’t get the legendary, either because it won’t drop for them, or the costs for acquiring it is too high compared to the actual gain that comes with it. Finally, the actual on-use legendary effect is currently weak (especially during any sorts of class cooldowns or external cooldowns) and clunky (a 3 second uninterruptible channel that is not only unfun, but will get you into all sorts of bad situations when you have to suddenly dodge certain mechanics). I would rather prefer an instant cast ability design in the likes of demon hunter’s spirit bomb: suck all debuffs in, then explode - that’s visually pleasing, it’s fast and snappy, your character won’t get locked into an awkward channel, and it would be easier to do damage that doesn’t require gimmicky workarounds, like standing far away from an enemy in order to get an extra GCD in during the charge animation of the legendary.


Completely agree with everything you said. The fact that almost 2 months into the season all 3 melee dps that can wield the lego axe is terrible dps wise and they all sit at the bottom ~7 dps specs is unacceptable.

I have the lego and even with that I’m lagging behind DH hard… and they are not the only op spec in m+/raid.

In raids I’m a little bit happier …the situation there is still bleak but since most bosses are mainly single target you can go with a full st or passive cleave build focusing on st and be on the top half of the chart… if you are top 1 that means others are underperforming :smiley: but I dont even “demand” to be top 1 but we should be there with lego…

I kinda feel like I was cheated out of 300k gold to craft it, and most people are not even lucky to get the drop…
The fact that the lego on-use ability locks you in and you cant use anything is a terrible design. It should be a simple jump+aoe or charge+aoe without locking you from using your own abilities. In M+ with certain affixes if you are locked in - and btw you cant even cancel the effect - you can easily die because of bad timing of a random pool of crap appearing under you.

And from what I head dks have a bug with spreading which still wasnt fixed…


300k isnt alot for a 10% dmg increase, the problem is we are all trash before it :joy:

I don’t think so shadowland legendary cost me 89k in first season and it gave me more than 10% dps. 300k and that long quest should give me more tbh.

Shadowlands was entirely balanced around all the legendarys completely different

Having to spend money on Legendaries sucks. If you’re lucky enough to get the drop, sure give it an awesome questline that requires some effort but it seems like they made the questline a pain, and an expensive pain at that.

But that’s whatever. If this is gonna be some axe that is obsolete in the next season, that’s going to be a huge L for Blizzard and the game.

Its likely we’ll get a upgrade item just like they did for the legendary Sylvanas bow when fated raids hit S4. But if not then yes, big L.

10 weeks farming the legendary on LFR, Normal and HC, have a friend who got it barely doing the raids, i have more embers than anyone in our group and i still havent got it, bad luck protection, more like nonexistent 0.01% increase on drop chance. Why the hell couldnt it be made like Shadowmourne so you could actually get it by progressing through the raid. bullcrap mechanic, when warriors need that to perform actually well.

BRUH, that is only if you get it even before that, the drop chance is horrendous even with getting every ember, friend got it while having the least embers out of everyone in our group. week 10 all embers, with a boatload of lessers aswell and i havent got it

Im on the hill where it should be like shadowmourne, if you play the raid you get it, if you dont, you dont get it. The balancing aswell is scuffed due to the weapon i agree. + we are close to the 3 month mark soon and been farming for it every week, no luck.

Agreed it’s a potential solution, anyway I don’t bother anymore, the class is in such a state that I just don’t play it.

So far since the first week it was available in raids after the mythic world first kill:

I have killed HC Fyrrak without fail 12 total (10 x lootable)
Normal Fyrrak 8 times
LFR Fyrrak 2 times
Looted so far 20 Essences as of this reset. Am also 6/9 Mythic so have got extra from them kills.

HC Fyrrak on an alt warrior 10 times lootable.

Still no Legendary.

I don’t mind the grind IF the Lego is usable in season 4. Like if there is an item that upgrades it so it can be used that drops from Fated raids. At this rate if you still havent got it what is the point of waiting this long for it to just become a transmog?


Still no drop either, im basically done with the season now, I aint spending 300k to craft it if it drops at this point

Warrior is still beans even with the lego.

Yeah well they are balanced with the thought that they already have it so hug me amiright?