"we will strive to do better in the future"

Seriously what happened? After Sanctum of Domination Lag Update they admitted to have “we overlooked telling you that.” that they are trying to fix things.

They also promised “we will strive to do better in the future.”

But the communication about any issues regarding bugs, tuning, pvp or class balance are widely ignored to a points it’s laughable.

They just had family vacation, djeezes again grow a pair of brains, and be patient.

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Any SL work should be the lowest priority that’s for sure.

I wish it worked like that :rofl:

How exactly?

They let us in on several balance patchs upcoming and changes to solo shuffle.

Theyve been away from office over christmas period and likely only just returned to work, the issue is people have this weird idea. That office workers actually are in the office over christmas period and its strictly untrue.

They will have a basic maintance team avaliable incase the game goes down. But yeah it was obvious communication would stop by the fsct its the holiday season.

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