Weak Arms AoE while leveling

At level 36:
Thunder Clap and Whirlwind are useless.
Slam is almost as useless, for single target. (Rarely used in the rotation)

I have points in Blood and Thunder, Crushing Force, Barbaric Training, Rend, Improved Slam, Fervor of Battle. All other classes I join LFG with have way more dmg than me in AoE battles.

Dreadnaught does much more AoE damage than my other abilities, but as said not near the other classes.

Let me check.


You’re close to the success.

Dont bother. During leveling everything is efed by scaling. If you get in to the group with anyone under lvl 20 …your damage will look like youre naked getting boosted by twinks.
If you get a monk in the group…you will ge tthe same feeling…they just literaly press one button -serpent kick- and top meters…doesnt matter if its mw tank or ww. Literaly any tank at any point at any level till 60 will most likely smoke you in dps …
Alll of this till you hit 60.

After 60 in dungeons you will be paired with overgeared lvl 70 that will pull the entire dungeon on top of the boss…doesnt matter to them that everyone else in the group will be reskilled …but the point is that your dps will be irrelevant and invisible again. Idk why they are doing this…maybe some small peepee phenomenon…idk…maybe they think that leveler wannts this kind of boost…i personaly hate when ppl do this…you cannot test your talents, builds, new gear…nothing…you just flail behind them praying that mobs wont oneshot you.

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Just because its way faster, you cant really test anything in a leveling dungeon since mobs barely live 1 tick of a dot. Most player want to level fast and play Endgame content. @topic: once you finished leveling and got gear Arms AE is strong due to its uncapped bleeds. I bursted 1.3 mio in FH first three packs (with PI). Without still up to 700-900k. Its really fun

It is a shame Blizzard does not make leveling in dungeons fun for all dps specs. Often AoE abilities comes very late as well. Buuu.

Ye ye, that was kind of my point. It is useless to stress out about your dps while leveling. There is an absolute 0 atempt to balance anything. Just hit max and get some gear. Then stress about your dps. for op ofc

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