Weakaura Help

Making a Warrior execute Weakaura that is triggered to show on my screen when the Execute action is usable. Everything is great as this includes 20-35% health with Massacre talented and Sudden Death procs, but when the execute is usable and my character performs Bladestorm, which stops my character performing execute, the Weakaura will be removed from the screen.

Is there anyway to keep the Execute Weakaura on my screen even when i am perfoming Bladestorm?

If Execute is a buff, you simply make an Aura trigger set to Player and Buff. By default WA shows aura if you get buffed and hides it when the buff is removed, e.g. If Bladestorm removes Execute buff.

You can set an aura to always be visible by selecting “Always” at the bottom. If you set Your icon to show cooldown in the Display tab, it will show a counter down when you get buffed. There is more you can do, so let me know if you need info.

I don’t think Execute is a buff though. Currently using the Weakaura Trigger - Action Usable. Is there another work around with a different trigger?

Sudden Death is a buff and cant be tracked by that.
normal excecutes can be tracked by action useable or target % hp tracking.

Using Action Usable will track Sudden Death because the Execute skill becomes usable. My problem is when Bladestorming and Execute is usable it will remove the Weakaura from the screen as you cant use Execute when Bladestorming.

It helps with mentally queing up my next skill when i can see the Execute Weakaura, as when Bladestorm has finished, i will either use Bloodthirst or Raging blow instead of Execute because i couldnt see the Execute Weakaura.

I don’t know how exactly Execute works but if it’s not a buff then you need to work with the spell itself. Action Usable does not seem to control visibility. I would rather select Status and “Cooldown Progress (Spell)”. “Cooldown Progress (Spell)” let you also set “Show” to “Always” and make icon always visible.

Unless for some reason the spell is unknown to your hero when you use Bladestorm due to some strange circumstances, you could also set “Ignore Spell Known” in Extra Options but that would really be really really awkward!

EDIT. OK I made a trial War. I read your first post again and tried to make an aura according to your description. I exported its string to wagio.io, so here’s the link:


It is only valid for 7 days. Try and see if it’s doing anything you wanted.

The only down side is that its always on the screen, when i only want it to appear when Execute is usable.

I am using skills like Bloodthirst and Raging Blow because when i am Bladestorming the Execute Weakaura doesnt appear untill Bladestorm is over because i cant see the Execute Weakaura fast enough before spamming the keys for the next skill.

Screenshots to try explain - Edit no way to add links?

OK, this is my second attempt. I read your first post again and my understanding is you want to see an icon when Execute is usable, like Sudden Death proc or health % lower a threshold etc., but it should be hidden otherwise. The tricky part is you don’t want the aura to disappear during Bladestorm while Execute is still usable. The problem was the Bladestorm would turn Execute to a non-usable spell and that’s why WA would hide it by default.

The aura needs one more trigger which I have added to the existing Action Usable and now the icon should not disappear when you are casting Bladestorm, of course providing Execute is still usable:


Also, I added one more trigger, Aura -> Player -> Buff with dynamic information, e.g. info about when Execute expires. You can either hide the Text or turn it off, completely in Display. It’s up to you.

Thanks very much for the work you have put in as this is starting to look like the Weakaura i am looking for.

The only problem with this one is that when the conditions for Execute are met when Bladestorming the Weakaura wont appear until Bladestorm has ended.

I know. I checked that and it’s really odd. Try to get a mob close to 20% and then execute Bladestorm. It weird, the Execute in ActionBar will get the glow like Execute is ready yet the icon will be dimmed, an inactive, until Bladestorm is completed. Perhaps it can be hacked using COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED and custom triggers in WA or something else but it would take too much time and I am afraid this is as far as I can help. You Warriors and your bladestorms :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the help.

Just in case you are still interested in that aura:


As far as I understood the issues before, the aura should be working as you expected.

Warning on importing aura

This time, if you try to import it to WA, you will get a warning that the string contains custom lua code. Wago provides an Editor where you can examine the code I have provided for Custom Trigger, Custom Untrigger, Dynamic Info, and Name if you are reserved to trust or not entirely certain about the lua code.

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