Hi there, I’m having some problems trying to get a weak aura to work. Here is what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to get a weak aura to show when my targeted hunter uses feign death, the goal is to show the icon on my screen until the hunter pops back up.
It is basic stuff.
New Aura
Trigger Tab
Type: Aura
Unit: Target
Aura Type: Buff
Name(s): Feign Death
Why do you need that aura for?
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So this works, but I have to be targeting the player for this to show up. I want it to show up when I’m not targeting the player/enemy.
Unit: Focus
That means you have to set your target as focus before he uses Feign Death
Yeah, that’s not what I want to achieve, the goal is to detect the faint death from hunters so I can use my targetlasttarget macro to then back on the hunter that’s the main goal here.
If its for arenas you can use arena1
Yeah still not what I’m after, was looking for weakarua to show when this was used will help me more
I meant for the detection side.