Weaklings - AOTC Guild

Weaklings - 8/8 Heroic Progression and Growing Stronger!
Venturing into Mythic and Welcoming New Allies to Join Us!

About Us: Weaklings is a guild of passionate, dedicated players aiming to conquer Heroic content each tier while also dipping into Mythic when the timing and team are right. We prioritize a respectful and supportive raid environment, where we combine our determination with a strong sense of community, fun, and a bit of humor (because nothing boosts morale like a good laugh in the face of a challenging boss!).

Who We’re Looking For: We’re in search of a few skilled, like-minded players to round out our roster. If you’re someone who shares our commitment to improving and enjoying every raid night, we’d love to hear from you! Specifically, we’re seeking:

  • :fire: Ranged DPS – We have a special place for Shamans and Warlocks, though all classes will be considered.
  • :sparkles: Healers – Particularly interested in adding a Preservation Evoker, Shaman, or Priest to our healing team.

Our Goals: We aim to hit these marks each patch, maintaining both competitiveness and camaraderie:

  • :trophy: Achieve Ahead of the Curve (AotC) with each tier.
  • :man_mage: Step into Mythic raiding when we’re ready, without compromising the quality of our experience.
  • :tada: Have fun along the way and foster a positive, team-oriented atmosphere.

Raid Schedule:

  • :clock3: Thursdays & Sundays from 19:45 to 22:45 (Server Time).
  • We start promptly, so we ask all raiders to be ready a few minutes before raid time to ensure smooth starts and maximize our time together.

Contact Us: For more details or to apply, reach out to one of our officers! We’d be happy to chat and see if Weaklings feels like the right fit for you.

  • In-Game Contacts: Whisper Wok-Silvermoon, Nyrína-Silvermoon, or Mòngoose-Silvermoon.
  • BattleTags: Captain#22181, Fire96#2869, or blackmongoos#2252.

Join us on our journey as we grow stronger, conquer challenges, and, most importantly, have a blast doing it. Together, we’ll make Weaklings a guild that’s as formidable as it is friendly!

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