Weapon Drop Rates

For such an important piece of your gear set those drop rate should more intelligent. I’ve just spent 3-4 days in Rise to get Borrowed Time for my survival hunter. It’s 30-40 runs.

This completely killed the game for me. I’ve gotten so many armor pieces though. I’m pretty sure the weapon drop rates are left low on purpose.

I’m done for now - but at least food for thought at the Blizzard HQ. Work on making your game more fun, please.

It’s horribly unpredictable. I ran it on my BM hunter, and figured I’d go survival loot spec on the off chance that it might drop and I’d feel like trying survival, and it dropped on the first run.

Meanwhile, my paladin is stuck with a 463 weapon because 2-handers are refusing to drop at all.

The monk I run M+ with has 8 of them sitting on his bag… Bad RNG I guess…

I kind of went through what you went to at the start of season 1, with the only dungeons even dropping enhancement shaman weapons being Azure Vaults and Ruby Life Pools. It’s really not a good way to enjoy the game. I’d recommend just playing it, and letting the loot come. Get a crafted weapon, if you can. Otherwise, if you get a weapon with less than ideal stats, you can still upgrade it, since you won’t be wasting any crests with the current system.

ı play as monk in 2 week not a single weapon drop from M+ i have 2.5k rating still using LFR weapon.

I still think crafting a weapon the moment you can is the best option. Farming a specific piece from a specific dungeon is not doable.

Only 3 - 4 days man i am farming Sea star the trinket for my holy priest for like the start of the season i think i did 250 - 300 runs already dont have it yet. I mean…

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