Happy New Year to all.
We are still continuing to raid and with the next patch hitting the PTR starting to get ready for 11.1 and The Undermine and looking at our rosters again.
Perhaps your new year resolution was to find a guild and enjoy content alongside other guildmates, raid at weekends and enjoy a vibrant community of people sharing memes, discussions and the sometimes bizarre - then perhaps you should take a look one of the longest standing and best Horde guilds around.
Socials are always welcome to apply to join regardless of your class and spec.
So if you are interested then stop on by our guild Discord for more information or to submit an application to join us today, as a Raider or a Social: https://discord.gg/weekendwarriors
Season 2 is fast approaching and we are D.R.I.V.E.-ing forward with our recruitment for the next raid tier in the goblin dominated Undermine.
We are looking to strengthen our roster with the right people for the guild.
- Balance Druid
- Devastation Evoker
- Augmentation Evoker
- Mage (Any)
- Warlock (Any)
Socials are always welcome to apply to join regardless of your class and spec.
So if you are interested then stop on by our guild Discord for more information or to submit an application to join us today, as a Raider or a Social: https://discord.gg/weekendwarriors
Undermine is blasted open and preparations continue for the lead-up to Season 2 only a week away now!
Whilst our roster is looking hale and healthy ready to take on the gloriously gilded Gallagio of Gallywix himself, we are looking for the following key classes & specs to fill our last remaining spots:
- Balance Druid: [LOW]
- Devastation Evoker: [HIGH]
- Augmentation Evoker: [HIGH]
- Warlock (Any): [HIGH]
Regardless of our Raiding Roster needs, Socials of any class & spec are always welcome to apply to join and become a part of the rich community here at Weekend Warriors.
If any of this tickles you fancy, stop on by our guild Discord for more information or to submit an application to join us today! https://discord.gg/weekendwarriors
Ready to liberate Undermine this week from Gallywix? We are still looking for a couple of raid spots to bolster our roster.
So if you are looking for a weekend raiding guild that has a fantastic track record and history then check out our discord and put in an application.
- Feral Druid
- Havoc Demon Hunter
- Balance Druid
- Devastation Evoker
- Augmentation Evoker
- Warlock (Any)
Socials are always welcome to apply to join regardless of your class and spec.
So if you are interested then stop on by our guild Discord for more information or to submit an application to join us today, as a Raider or a Social: https://discord.gg/weekendwarriors