Weekend Warriors (4/8M) | Heroic & Mythic Weekend Raiding & Social Community

Weekend Raiding & Mature Social Community

Guild Discord: https://discord.gg/weekendwarriors

Weekend Warriors are The Original™ Weekend Raiding Community. We are proud of our 15 years of history in raiding and our thriving social group of friends, family and anything in between!

Weekend Warriors has the proven strength and character to guarantee you raiding continuity for as long as you want to continue to play WoW. Formed during the icy days of Wrath of the Lich King in 2009, our guild has stood the test of time over all these 14 years with a focus on a cooperative and welcoming community with integrity, consistency and stability.


We are a Heroic-first raiding team with a very casual approach towards Mythic if and when there is interest to run it in a given season.

  • Fridays from 20.00 to 23.00 Server Time
  • Saturdays from 16.30 to 19.30 Server Time


  • Looking to raid but work too hard or too late in the week?
  • Unable to raid too much without aggroing your IRL raid boss?
  • Tired of sometimes on, sometimes off raiding with PUGs or casual groups that don’t get you very far or aren’t consistent?
  • Looking for a community that cooperates in all things, from Professions to Dungeons to Raiding?
  • A Social player who needs a place to call home with friends to chat to while you grind?
  • A veteran of the game that just wants somewhere to play casually that reminds them of what communities were like in the old days?
  • A long-term WoW player who despite feeling jaded can’t quit as the desire for raiding & social interaction is what keeps you going and needs a guild that won’t fall apart to stick with it?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you should join Weekend Warriors!


Being a member of Weekend Warriors is more about who you are as a person and how well you integrate and settle into our community than your overall in-game ability and raiding performance.

Our community is composed of everyone from retired Mythic Raiders to casual players, pet and mount collectors, achievement hunters and those who just hang out and chill with their friends - all these add to the rich social scene here.

  • Recruitment is always open for Socials as our more casual members enrich the important social experience in the guild, all of whom are still welcome to sign for raids (space permitting)!
  • Recruitment for Raiders is generally restricted to the classes / specs we currently have need of to fill out our roster of dedicated raiders. There are no attendance requirements for raiding and Socials are always welcome to join raids, but our consistent & dedicated Raiders gain raid spot priority and other neat perks.

For further information on our community, feel free to join our Discord and find out more or to contact an Officer: https://discord.gg/weekendwarriors


Our first raid of Season 4 back into Vault of the Incarnates proved successful, as we soared through Normal in one night and tallied up to 7/8HC on our Saturday raid.

Recruitment remains open for our raid team as we push into this Season and plan ahead for the War Within. We have no plans for Mythic in S4, but we plan to return to it casually in the next expansion!

In addition, we will be setting up a guild on the Pandaria Remix once it goes live and likely setting up raids for that as well. So, look no further than Weekend Warriors if you want a strong, stable and active guild in the lead-up to the War Within!

Here are the classes & specs we are currently looking for our raid team roster:

  • Mage [HIGH]
  • Beast Mastery Hunter [MEDIUM]
  • Windwalker Monk [HIGH]
  • Assassination Rogue [HIGH]
  • Shadow Priest [HIGH]
  • Elemental Shaman [HIGH]

Socials are always welcome to apply to join our guild regardless of your class or spec. Feel free to drop on by our Discord for more info or to send us an application: discord.gg/weekendwarriors


The entirety of Aberrus on Normal & Heroic falls in one weekend, bringing us to 9/9N and 9/9HC! Amidrassil awaits this weekend, which will no doubt follow the same fate.

Recruitment remains open for our raid team as we push into this Season and plan ahead for the War Within. We have no plans for Mythic in S4, but we plan to return to it casually in the next expansion!

In addition, we will be setting up a guild on the Pandaria Remix once it goes live and likely setting up raids for that as well. So, look no further than Weekend Warriors if you want a strong, stable and active guild in the lead-up to the War Within!

Here are the classes & specs we are currently looking for our raid team roster:

  • Mage [HIGH]
  • Windwalker Monk [HIGH]
  • Assassination Rogue [HIGH]
  • Shadow Priest [HIGH]

Socials are always welcome to apply to join our guild regardless of your class or spec. Feel free to drop on by our Discord for more info or to send us an application: discord.gg/weekendwarriors


Amirdrassil falls under our wing, bringing us to 9/9HC in there as well. With this reset, Raszageth will no doubt fall next as we fully clear every Dragonflight raid. (again)

Recruitment remains open for our raid team as we push into this Season and plan ahead for the War Within. We have no plans for Mythic in S4, but we plan to return to it casually in the next expansion!

In addition, we will be setting up raids for the Mists of Pandaria Remix, even at Heroic level. So, look no further than Weekend Warriors if you want a strong, stable and active guild in the lead-up to the War Within!

Here are the classes & specs we are currently looking for our raid team roster:

  • Windwalker Monk [HIGH]
  • Augmentation Evoker [HIGH]
  • Retribution Paladin [MEDIUM]
  • Balance Druid [LOW]
  • Shadow Priest [HIGH]

Socials are always welcome to apply to join our guild regardless of your class or spec. Feel free to drop on by our Discord for more info or to send us an application: discord.gg/weekendwarriors


With all the raids cleared and all of them opening in the following reset, Weekend Warriors is preparing to make our push into Mythic!

Recruitment remains open for our raid team as we push into this Season and plan ahead for the War Within. With all raids now opening a Heroic fully farmed, we will be venturing into Mythic bosses on a casual basis for the remainder of this season.

Here are the classes & specs we are currently looking for our raid team roster:

  • Windwalker Monk [HIGH]
  • Augmentation Evoker [HIGH]
  • Retribution Paladin [HIGH]
  • Balance Druid [LOW]
  • Shadow Priest [HIGH]
  • Holy Paladin [MEDIUM]

Socials are always welcome to apply to join our guild regardless of your class or spec. Feel free to drop on by our Discord for more info or to send us an application here: discord.gg/weekendwarriors


The War Within is soon upon us, and with it begin our preparations for a new expansion.

With cross-realm guilds now enabled, we are pleased to announce that Weekend Warriors is open to applicants from any and all realms, and just as for all of Dragonflight - open to both factions as well.

If you’re looking for a strong, stable community to call home as you return to the game for the War Within, or are simply looking for a new place to hang your hat, then look no further than us here at Weekend Warriors: one of the longest standing and most successful weekend guilds in Europe.

For our Heroic-first raiding team, we are currently looking for the following classes listed below in order of priority:

  • Havoc Demon Hunter [HIGH]
  • Beast Mastery / Marksmanship Hunter: [HIGH]
  • Devastation Evoker: [HIGH]
  • Warlock: [MEDIUM]
  • Shadow Priest: [MEDIUM]

Socials are always welcome to apply to join regardless of your class and spec. Stop on by our guild Discord for more information or to submit an application to join us today, as a Raider or a Social: https://discord.gg/weekendwarriors


The War Within is just around the corner and we are still open for recruitment to Raiders & Socials alike.

For our raiding team, we are currently looking for the following classes listed below in order of priority to fill the last few spots on our raid team roster:

  • Beast Mastery / Marksmanship Hunter: [HIGH]
  • Devastation Evoker: [HIGH]
  • Shadow Priest: [MEDIUM]

Socials are always welcome to apply to join regardless of your class and spec. Stop on by our guild Discord for more information or to submit an application to join us today, as a Raider or a Social: https://discord.gg/weekendwarriors


With the expansion launch so close we can taste it, we have 2-3 spots still left open on our raiding roster!

For our raiding team, we are currently looking for the following classes listed below in order of priority to fill the last few spots on our raid team roster:

RANGED (Recruiting 2-3 players)

  • Devastation Evoker: HIGH
  • Beast Mastery / Marksmanship Hunter: HIGH
  • Shadow Priest: MEDIUM

HEALERS (Recruiting 1-2 players)

  • Discipline / Holy Priest: MEDIUM
  • Holy Paladin: HIGH
  • Restoration Druid: MEDIUM
  • Preservation Evoker: MEDIUM

Socials are always welcome to apply to join regardless of your class and spec. Stop on by our guild Discord for more information or to submit an application to join us today, as a Raider or a Social: https://discord.gg/weekendwarriors

Join the longest standing and most successful weekend guild & community in Europe today!!


With The War Within being available to everyone in just a few hours, we still have a couple of spots left open on our raiding roster.


  • Beast Mastery/Marksman Hunters
  • Devastation Evoker
  • Shadow Priest


  • Disc/Holy Priest
  • Holy Paladin
  • Resto Druid
  • Preservation Evoker

With cross-realm guilds now enabled, we are pleased to announce that Weekend Warriors is open to applicants from any and all realms, and open to both factions as well.

If you’re looking for a strong, stable community to call home as you return to the game for the War Within, or are simply looking for a new place to hang your hat, then look no further than us here at Weekend Warriors: one of the longest standing and most successful weekend guilds in Europe.

Socials are always welcome to apply to join regardless of your class and spec. Stop on by our guild Discord for more information or to submit an application to join us today, as a Raider or a Social: https://discord.gg/weekendwarriors


Well what a start to The War Within.
We are having to close our doors at the moment to raid applications but if you are looking for a strong home for social activities then please feel free to join us.

Weekend Warriors is open to applicants from any and all realms, and open to both factions as well.

If you’re looking for a strong, stable community to call home as you return to the game for the War Within, or are simply looking for a new place to hang your hat, then look no further than us here at Weekend Warriors: one of the longest standing and most successful weekend guilds in Europe.

Socials are always welcome to apply to join regardless of your class and spec. Stop on by our guild Discord for more information or to submit an application to join us today, as a Raider or a Social: https://discord.gg/weekendwarriors


Well Season 1 has well and truly begun. The new raid is being raided, delves are being delved and dungeons are being plundered by guild groups on a regular basis.

We are are opening up our raid roster again for 1-2 healers, so if you are interested in joining one of the most successful weekend guilds in Europe please come by our Discord and put in an application.


  • Disc/Holy Priest
  • Holy Paladin
  • Resto Druid
  • Preservation Evoker

Socials are always welcome to apply to join regardless of your class and spec. Stop on by our guild Discord for more information or to submit an application to join us today, as a Raider or a Social: https://discord.gg/weekendwarriors


The assault on Nerub-ar Palace has seen us clear Normal on our first raid night and down 4/8 HC during the first weekend.

We are still looking for healers to join our raid team and are now looking for the following:


  • Discipline / Holy Priest
  • Preservation Evoker

Socials are always welcome to apply to join.
Stop on by our guild Discord for more information or to submit an application to join us today, as a Raider or a Social: https://discord.gg/weekendwarriors


Our march through Nerub-ar Palace is still going strong (7/8 HC), M+ nights are seeing multiple full guild groups taking on keys they feel happy testing themselves against, and a “nice find” continues to pop up in delves across mains and alts.

As a result of this strong start we are having to close our Raid Member recruitment as our raids every Friday/Saturday are full with a solid bench.

Weekend Warriors is a great guild with a long-standing community and we always welcome social members that take the time to put in a good application.

If you are interested please go to our group discord and put in an application there. Links are in the main post and comments


Highly recommended guild. Very friendly environment for all members.

Good luck Weekend Warriors :+1:t3:


The queen has been vanquished and we are now 8/8 HC in Nerub-ar Palace, we have completed the Glory Of achievement run for our mounts and our M+ nights continue to see people take on higher keys and continue to upgrade gear.

With the Anniversary patch looming our thoughts are turning to the new content, the new Old Raid and seeing how the class changes pan out for our characters.

We still have a full raiding roster but are happy to accept Social members who are looking for a great long-standing guild that continues to thrive.
Social members are welcome to sign up for raids but unfortunately we cannot guarantee places at the moment.

Links to our Discord channel where you can make an application are in the main post above.


Thanks, Soggo! Long time no see and great to hear from you mate.

Hope you’re doing well out there in Azeroth & beyond.


The guild is still enjoying The War Within and is about to embark on putting its toes into Mythic Raiding - albeit on a casual basis and we have decided to open recruitment again for raiding.

So if you are looking to join a weekend raiding guild then look no further than Weekend Warriors, the longest standing and most successful weekend guild & community in Europe

MELEE (Recruiting 1-2 Players)

  • Windwalker Monk: LOW

RANGED (Recruiting 1-2 players)

  • Shadow Priest: HIGH

HEALERS (Recruiting 1-2 players)

  • Discipline / Holy Priest: HIGH
  • Holy Paladin: HIGH
  • Mistweaver Monk: HIGH
  • Restoration Druid: HIGH
  • Preservation Evoker: HIGH

Socials are always welcome to apply to join regardless of your class and spec.

So if you are interested then stop on by our guild Discord for more information or to submit an application to join us today, as a Raider or a Social: https://discord.gg/weekendwarriors


After a good first session on Mythic we have cleared the first two bosses and are looking to continue our march onwards through Nerub’ar Palace.

We are looking for the following:
MELEE (Recruiting 1-2 Players)

  • Windwalker Monk: LOW

RANGED (Recruiting 1-2 players)

  • Shadow Priest: HIGH

HEALERS (Recruiting 1-2 players)

  • Discipline / Holy Priest: HIGH
  • Holy Paladin: HIGH
  • Mistweaver Monk: HIGH
  • Restoration Druid: HIGH
  • Preservation Evoker: HIGH

If you are interested the join our Discord for more information and the application forms.


That is another Mythic boss chalked off for the guild as we continue our casual attack on Nerub’ar Palace.

We are still looking to strengthen our roster in one or two places.

RANGED (Recruiting 1-2 players)

  • Shadow Priest: HIGH
  • Devastation Evoker: HIGH
  • Augmentation Evoker : HIGH

HEALERS (Recruiting 1-2 players)

  • Discipline / Holy Priest: HIGH
  • Mistweaver Monk: HIGH
  • Preservation Evoker: HIGH

Socials are always welcome to apply to join regardless of your class and spec.

So if you are interested then stop on by our guild Discord for more information or to submit an application to join us today, as a Raider or a Social: https://discord.gg/weekendwarriors


Christmas is coming and so is the new patch, so if you are looking to enjoy raiding with a fantastic long-standing guild and explore Siren Isle to grind your Cyrce’s Circlet with guildmates then put us on your Xmas list…

We are still looking to strengthen our roster in one or two places with the right people for the guild.

RANGED (Recruiting 1-2 players)

  • Shadow Priest: HIGH
  • Devastation Evoker: HIGH
  • Augmentation Evoker : HIGH

HEALERS (Recruiting 1-2 players)

  • Discipline / Holy Priest: HIGH
  • Mistweaver Monk: HIGH
  • Preservation Evoker: HIGH

Socials are always welcome to apply to join regardless of your class and spec.

So if you are interested then stop on by our guild Discord for more information or to submit an application to join us today, as a Raider or a Social: https://discord.gg/weekendwarriors