Weekly blue quest on alt but not on main

Hello !
As the title says, I don’t have the weekly blue quest on my main from Faerin Lothar. But on my alt, it’s here. Both my main and alt are 80.
Campaign is finished on my main.

Alt : https:// i.imgur.[com] / NMxllN9.png
main : https:// i.imgur.[com]/ ZT5anU0.png

remove the space and the [ ]

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Yeah same here. Many things didn’t reset on my main. No spark quest, no worldsoul quest (this week it’s from Brann? because the only quest that offers a Pinnacle Cache is Delves: Nerubian Menace), only one tradeskill weekly reset. Hallowfall weekly stuff rewards green satchels. I didn’t complete anything besides delves and the bugged world boss yet in case they fix it.

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So I asked a GM and she said there is no issue with that.

From what I understand and what she said : my main got the quest Archives: The First Disc which means I cannot get the other weekly quest The Call of the Worldsoul.

This week my main got Do 2 Nerubians delves, so The Call of the Worldsoul was also unavailable.

If we don’t have that kind of quest after the next reset, we may have The Call of the Worldsoul.

The GM was mistaken, I believe, because I have five characters that just I logged into after the weekly reset, then went and got both the ‘Archives: The First Disc’ quest and ‘The Call of the Worldsoul’ quest and have both quests sitting happily in their quest logs (with screenshots to prove it).

Another two characters, however were not offered ‘The Call of the Worldsoul’. I don’t even know which one of these seven characters you’d call my ‘main’, whatever the heck that means in this specific context.

So, this is still an issue (or if it’s not an issue then whatever is happening is really obscure and opaque and Blizz needs to make things much clearer so that we know exactly when a particular character will or will not be offered ‘The Call of the Worldsoul’).

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After a few weeks of no problems with this, this week - patch 11.0.5 release - I’m not getting the weekly blue quest from Faerin Lothar on any of my characters.

So many bugs, Blizz! It’s getting a little wearing.

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This week the weekly quest is being offered my Brann over at the delvers area.

So we have no choice of 4 options from ‘The Call of the Worldsoul’ from Faerin? That seems ridiculous to me. Surely the delve quest is a new additional thing rather than a replacement? If not, what the hell happened to player choice; I am not in the least bit interested in doing delves.

Also, I just started levelling an alt today and when I went to Dornogal for the first time, ‘The Call of the Worldsoul’ is being offered to him by Faerin.

So it’s on offer to lower level alts but not level 80s?

Whatever the heck is going on, it is not at all intuitive and not much fun. I wish Blizzard would just K.I.S.S.

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The available “main” weekly quest available from Dornagal have been always somewhat random in TWW. Sometimes you get the choice from Faerin, sometimes you get the delve quest etc. plus the special event quests (eg. dungeons, timewalking, pet battles) and the dungeon quest. Lower level character might get something else if the whatever activityh at 80 is not fully available or such I guess.

It is very confusing. Last week was my first week doing TWW and I had all the Weekly Quests, but this week I’ve only been able to pick up 2 in Dornagal (Delves + Dungeon). I feel like I am losing progress due to a bug, but it turns out its just random.

Also this week have Delves and Dungeon quest on my 80 characters. Other non 80 characters got The Call of the Worldsould and Archievs: The First Disc.

Would be nice to have clarification is this bug or simple rotation and it working as intended.


More info:

I have another Level 80 character that didn’t finish ‘The Call of the Worldsoul’ last week (the world quest option) and now has both that quest and ‘Delves: Percussive Archeology’ in his quest log (with a screenshot to prove it).

This proves that the Delve quest and the Call of the Worldsoul are not mutually exclusive, for what it’s worth.

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I’ve run into this problem this week. I’ve been happily doing Call of the Worldsoul from Faerin and the weekly delve quest from Brann, plus the disc quest from Brinthe on multiple sub-80 characters last week and the week before, so what the GM said in the post above is utterly wrong.

This week, however, Faerin has no quest for my sub-80 Alliance characters but does have it for most Horde characters(!!!), even thought Brinthe and Brann both have their quests available for all…

Either there’s a bug or there’s some stupid hidden logic behind when these quests are allowed.

The reason you don’t have one from Faerin this week is because it’s the Delve Quest from Brann.

Any alts that aren’t to date with the rotation will still see quests from Faerin.

I’m sorry but that’s very wrong. Last week I had the three delves quest from Brann on a bunch of characters and the Worldsoul quest from Faerin on the same characters. In many previous weeks I’ve had characters have both quests as well, it’s only this week and some characters where it no longer appears.

It’s not a ‘rotation’ issue, the Faerin and Brann quests are seperate, I think it’s a weekly reset issue, which has many recorded occurences.

Faerin does not have a quest this week. Only alts that are not up to date will have one.

Whether this is true or not, my point above still holds:

this is poor, unintuitive game design from Blizzard

Say your rotation theory is true. If you only play one or two characters and are interested in delves then you have probably picked up the rhythms of this rotation quite naturally. For people that play a lot of alts and have no interest in delves, the rotation is certainly not obvious, just a confusing, annoying, opaque mess.

Whatever, it’s quite simple; the quest that offers a choice of weekly activities SHOULD NOT DISAPPEAR UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, neither because it’s on a rotation nor because there’s a glitch.

If this is indeed a purposeful choice, it’s just Blizz repeating the Torghast mistake; trying to force us to do their new ‘feature’ content because they have no confidence that we will do it on its own merit if given a free choice.

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