Weekly Catalyst Charges

After the precedents set in Dragonflight, is it about time this change was made? We’re about to hit 11.0.7 , and previously that kind of change was in the .5 range.

Some transmog sets can only be completed via catalyst, and things are beginning to move towards end of season. I think we could safely have that cadence in place now, as well as when S2 hits all season 1 items are able to be put through catalyst without charge immediately. That said, I’d prefer to not have to hold on to multiple pieces on multiple alts waiting for that to happen, and think 1 charge a week should be where we’re at at least by a .7 patch.

there is still ample time left in season 1

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Praps. And my point was that previous seasons of similar length have had it for multiple weeks by now.

Assuming an 8 week gap til season 2, I’d certainly prefer to have 7 or 8 charges instead of 3 or 4 before that happens. It hurts no one, and helps a significant amount.

Or at the absolute least, some confirmation/info that on day 1 of season 2 any season 1 items can be catalysed for free, so if that’s what’s required transmog-focused players can start saving items for it.

Or through raiding


Unfortunately not the case - nearly every class (possibly even every…) has pieces of the transmog whole set which cannot be acquired any other way - there’s no lookalike for them.

Off-pieces are the key - cloak, wrist, waist, belt and boots. Just off top of my head Paladin cloak for example is catalyst only, Demon Hunter wrists(and the cloak is Very Rare and possibly not available as a drop for LFR tint, due to being Veteran 6/8…), Death Knight cloak, Shaman boots and cloak, etc and on. Some you might be able to get a piece (or even the look/tint itself) from a BoE , but even for most of those it’s a catalyst charge.

Activating the tier is easy, yes. Completing the sets? Not so much. And I don’t think it’s unreasonable to want to be able to get enough charges in a full season to get the looks you want from that season, even if it’s multiple for each class.

Wait seriously some items are catalyst only? That’s bs

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Usually bracers/belts/cloaks/boots if you want they whole set to match.