Weekly chest day 🧰

well… … … I got 475 Leg piece with Rang III Racing Pulse(haste proc) and haste/mastery…
NOOOOO I don’t need so much haste, what do I need so much haste for as a HOLY Priest…? :rage:
I really wanted Lady Waycrests Music Box… :cry:

seriously though, every week, when I open the chest, I ask: “With what will I be disappointed this week?”
sometimes I get something useful, like the other week I actually got Ineffable Truth I, which is better than Ineffable Truth II because of the CDR per corruption (Rank 2 gives 50% CDR for 30 corruption while Rank 1 gives 30% CDR for 12 corruption, so having for example 2 times Ineffable truth 1 would give 60% CDR for 24 corruption strange stuff indeed)
on other weeks I get completely useless stuff…

Ring with with Crit Mastery and Versatility proc Corruption. I would love to get more pieces with Mastery since is best, ugh doubt it would happen.

Wrist with Versatility proc from Vision as well, Blizzard is trying to tell me something here? Pity I mainly play PvE…

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They were not great upgrades, 2 out of 3 were trash but I don’t really care, I bought 2 azerite armour that was the real upgrade.

If you care about the weekly chest only thing you’ll find will eventually be disappointment so I don’t care, I actually open my weekly chest with Shift+Right Click, auto loot.

475 Bracers with 18-19K Oozing Blood.

Sometimes lucky, I suppose.

15 more ilvls, a high ilv Geti’Ikku and one more Oozing Blood and then I’ll be able to participate in PvP.

Can’t wait to do that roughly 3-5 months from now =D

I got 3 in a row

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Had our [redacted] handed to us by Yazma with almost 100 deaths last night trying to get the weekly, so no chest for me today :confused:

It is too much RNG. I want to play pvp but I can’t until I have a decent gear and corruption. As usual with my best lucky charm in this game, no good corruption. Weekly chest gives doubles or bad item slot that are not upgrades. Can you please for the sake of my time wasted with this game and not enjoying it, please make the weekly chest items BOA. With so much RNG, at least this could help a little. It is so bad when the good corruption makes more damage than your actual skill. I feel useless in pvp so I have to drag myself to do PVE. I came back after 9m break but I already feel that this RNG for me is bad. I would like to enjoy the game 4 5 hours per day, not wasting 10 13 hours with no luck for corruption and not to mention about the clown fiesta weekly chest :wink:

Got me a solid belt with deadly momentum that at 5 stacks gives me the same crit as I had before by replacing the slot :joy:


Never done a mythic so I’ve never open that chest. Seems like I’ve saved myself alot of pain =P


“hahaha lets be a jerk to the blue look at how edgy I am please give me attention”


Got BIS boots for Monk, but on my Rogue, which is trash for Rogue.

Got +8% leech on Monk. But on a ring with correct stats, which I’ll actually use. Better than nothing :laughing:

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Got belt with infinite stars.

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I’ve changed my spec to Arms for arena 2 days ago, got 470 BiS trinket with BiS corruption for Arms, I’m sorry zugzugs…

Oh my, sounds like quite the night :sweat_smile::spider::spider_web:

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Belt with bad stats but “Increase Haste from all sources” Corruption.
On Alliance alt Haste proc pants but bad stats as well.

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trinket with corruption. intradasting


You are a careful guy huh, you realized my little trick, congratulations. It is a ring :smiley:

Ah, it’s so enjoyable to get yet another ring with completely garbage stats and corruption on my warrior but also getting a BiS item for my rogue on my resto druid :relieved:

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I got a plain trinket that’s worse than my 430 trinket that gives me crit which isn’t even one of my top 2 stats. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

But from my PVP cache I got legs to replace my useless TD with the Tentacle one at +60 corruption. So I suppose I’m still happy.

Ok my DK I got 2% crit damage and healing… whoa baby!

Boots that are the same item level as what I already had, with a garbage corruption and only mastery on it being the favoured stat.