Pour you heart out in this thread, be it QQ’ing or a bit of flaunting!
I have yet to open mine D:
Anyone got doubles again or are your chests getting better?
Pour you heart out in this thread, be it QQ’ing or a bit of flaunting!
I have yet to open mine D:
Anyone got doubles again or are your chests getting better?
The game director obsession with RNG loot boxes and RNG in general Is on a whole new level.
Everything is RNG in game.
Ion and RNG both has three letters. Coincidence? I think not!
To be honest, since this season I think I used 1-2 items out of the chest, because 70% were boots, 20% wrist, 10% trinket.
0 rings, belts, hands, weapons and legs XD
I think its just a myth that a wepon can drop from a chest
First chest with me warrior alt : 460 weapon rank 2 twisted appendages…
Guess youre lucky then…
Ive done mythic since the beginning of bfa and not a single weapon drop.
I switched my loot spec to Brewmaster, hoping that I’ll get an upgrade for my off-spec, since it’s been weeks I got anything useful for my main spec. I don’t have many 475 items on Brm yet, but of course, the first thing that drops is an item for a slot where I do have one, and a better one too.
I guess I should switch loot spec to Windwalker, everything would be an upgrade there because I don’t play the spec and thus, have no gear for it!
i dont know yet…my bf wants to watch me open the chest cause hes so curious but hes working atm so im waiting for disaster to happen as usual. bet its another pair of pants.
my bf got like 3 or 4 times in a row a belt out of it, hope he gets something different this time around.
edit: he got a belt and i got the pants.
Ilvl450 Getti’iku cut of death, Shrine 4 keystone plus the standard TR and AP
Just returned to game after a 11 year break. My first ever mythic+ weekly chest contained a corrupted 440 dagger with a socket. Only done mythic 2 temple of sethralis
Not to bad I guess
DK = 475 Legs with Mastery corruption, not an upgrade
Warrior = 475 Wrists with Void Ritual, but I have TD in that slot already
Hunter = The only item of the entire loot table which is not an upgrade for my 449 ilvl hunter that has no item above 460. A 470 Atal trinket. At least this brings me to 455 in bags so maybe I can now pug heroic Ny’Alotha
Damn this Twiluna, I always get baited into these threads.
update: did both assaults and got 2 more gloves cause why not
4th or 5th week without an upgrade now to my gear. Getting used to this bad RNG, honestly because of this corruption RNG ive lost interest to the game and i barely play now, i have good corruption on me but i keep getting pieces from the chests i cant replace. This game is pretty much who has the best corruption for M+ now and for Raids does the most dps and that isnt interesting to me. I could use belt or trinkets but nope gloves boots and weapons it is. so its whatever
thats my old topic Weekly chest, gamble and physiological impact to people
and im still in same gear, nuff said
Got a 475 shield which was an upgrade from the 460 i had had a rank 3 twisted appendage that i sadly had to cleanse, no room to add 66 corruption to my budget.
Got some pants with deadly momentum but they’re not worth replacing what I currently have, unlucky.
Did get a +19 Workshop though, which should be one of the most decent dungeons to time this week. Bolstering tyrannical is a feels bad.
I forgot to do my Mythic+ this week… which means no bad luck for me! Big brain gamer moves.
I did get my PVP chest though, +5ilvl +35 corruption haste proc boots.
I’m happy.
Not for me. Got 2 weapons from both chests on my DH. And guess what, i can’t use either of them. Got the same weapon i am already wearing just with higher item level but OOOOOOHHH corruption is trash. Well yeah, sorry but not gonna replace my 430 fist with gushing with a 455 fist with ineffable trash. Good system. But i am glad that at least Blizzard is happy with corruption system.
Oh and yeah, i really like my last season wrists. I’d much rather get pants with the most useless stats in the game for me so i can get this juicy Veiled Crystal! And yes ofc, my first elite piece just HAD to be a battlemaster trinket!
Oh and yeah, i really enjoy another useless trinket on my alt lock and an azerite that is the same level of garbage! No upgrades for me then i guess.
I hate this system so much. If that goes on in SL like this and you have absolutely no influence on your character progression i am done. Not gonna waste my time with frustration anymore.