Weekly Chest, same pieces


You simply shouldn’t be able to get 3 waist in row on the weekly dungeon cache. SPECIALLY WITH VOID RITUAL CORRUPTION on all of them.

Just like last season my previous main character recieved 8 cloaks in row for one period of that season. Its just so tragic.

Fix this BS.

You didnt go to wowchurch to please rngesus

Give me Void Ritual over the worst one I’ve got yet on my 470 gloves off this week’s chest (that is high versatility and some mastery)…

+10 Corruption
Increased Critical Damage and Healing by 2%

Woohoo! :roll_eyes:

(Straight to the bin it goes…)

I dont know why this works but it does maybe it is just superstition but before opening my chest i go to stormwind cathedral and /kneel for exactly five minute and it just so happen that i am very rarely let down by what is in the chest. Sound funny but if it works it works.

Could be much worse, trust me :smiley:
And that 2% crit heal/dmg is basicly tauren racial… I feel betrayed

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