Weekly conquest cap only 600 CP per week ?!

Last week it was 1600 CP for week 1 of the season now i see its only raised by additional 600 CP up to 2200 ??? When has it ever been such a low cap per week ??? Did they do this on purpose JUST becase the PVE heroes did not get enough weapons from raids an M+ or what ??? or they want to make sure its ANOTHER week before we can get the weapon quest done ???


wasnt it supposed to be like double since we have no vault?

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Yehahh…cant have the PVE “Heroes” at least 4x more gear per week than PVP players can we :frowning: DOnt see anyone making topic in the US forum, cant believe its supposed to be like this with no vault…also Bloody tokens is EXTREMELY low cap for the week.


In DF it raised by 550 per week, but yea since there is no PvP Vault anymore it would have been nice to get a little bit more.

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We currently are gaining gear faster than we did in DF with vault.

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Yeah i was a bit yikes too but you get world pvp gear a piece witch is almost good enaugh and the wappon quest

What sucks is that you only get one charge of Tset every TWO weeks, mean we have too wait 3 weeks for 4 set

About the weapon quest…yea its nice that we dont have to spend conquest on it anymore, except if you get a weapon with bad stats as the only possible choice. :confused:
So either buying the right one still for 1800 conq, or craft one which costs how many Heraldrys?
Or did they changed something abt the weapon quest and we can choose now?
Didn’t check anymore since some days. :thinking:

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You cannot BUY other weapon BEFORE you finished the quest… also MANY classes get 2 x 1h when they should get a 2H etc its very unfair for those classes, basically that quest for weapons should have choices as is its a giant FAIL

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Yep 600 cap is total BS, lie I reach my cap in 40 minutes… what am i supposed to do the entire week? PVE BS? Hell no

Yep 600 cap is total BS, lie I reach my cap in 40 minutes… what am i supposed to do the entire week? PVE BS? Hell no.


the cap is disgusting

As a dad with a newborn, I think the cap is great for the health, inclusion and longevity of the game.

No reason to stress about a game. It’s a game, but WoW-PvP is unplayable if you get behind, so you can raise the cap, but it just makes the game exclude all the people who don’t have the time to grind as hard.

Why do you want to get gear faster, isnt it cool that you can pvp now knowing you are on equal footing? :smiley: