Nah man, I’m at work, sorry. When I’m back tho, I have to spend time with my wife and friends. Then I go heal some dungeons, get completely abused, and feel down.
It’s like my first HOV 19 run this week:
tank says he’s gonna pull the entire 1st platform so watch out guys
interrupt and stuff, says the tank
rushes into the group of adds as he described
procceeds to stand in front of the dragon breath, gets instadeleted with Sac and defensives on
EXPLOSIVES??? leaves
Not a single explosive went off on that pull. 2.8k tank rio btw.
Oh and also, I tried healing on my undergeared disc priest the last week, cuz I found the spec fun, and now that it became a bit more chunky in terms of output, I gave it a go. Even though we timed a key and people died to avoidable stuff mostly, the tank said I was sh@t.
Oh well, I think I’m just not joining any more pugs ˆˆ
if they’re good they’re probably geared beyond needing that weekly for the reward and if they’re smart they probably aren’t pugging for it.
I personally vibe hard with the latter (but I’m a tank not a healer).
Dps think this is 2 healer affixes that they can ignore so we just don’t pug until reset.
Plus healers in DF have had to be pretty hardcore, so a) a lot of people bailed on their healer alts, and either b) the healer mains have largely moved past needing the weekly reward or c) they’d rather run keys with people they trust to get it.
Maybe if you guys didnt kick my healer in the normal dungeons multiple times going from 60-70 i might still pugged here or there. You didn’t wanted me, now i don’t want you.
People die a lot in levelling dungeons. Problem is, it’s not the healer’s fault, it’s that all dungeons in DF have harder hitting avoidable damage. Don’t avoid, get oneshot - blame the healer, obviously, because admitting to personal fault is impossible.
too hard to get in and too punishing, if you fail somebody dies, if tank fails generally its slower or he loses a mob or 2 that dps can deal with, if dps fails damage is lower
3)healer rotations and spell interactions are too complicated adding dps abilities its too much bloat and there isnt epic enough big numbers go boom moments, tried a few, have given up trying to set comfortable keybinds, may as well dps
been healing for about 7 years now, this is the first expansion I’m genuinely just going to go for the mount from M+ and Arenas and then probably stop healing altogether.
PvP meta is dogwater, feel like I’m going to age 10 years mentally by the time this season is over. usually looked over to M+ when pvp was frustrating but oh well what do you know, the dungeons are more frustrating than ever and somehow blizzard made like 70% of all affix combos either plain frustrating or annoying as hell from my pov.
no thanks, I’ll get my rewards then either unsub or reroll DPS and drool on my keyboard while ignoring everything around me like the average player and have some fun.
→ Tanks run around like headless chickens and do some crazy pulls that they may survive but the healer gets overwhelmed quickly because most don’t know what mobs are particularly dangerous and what abilities to kick / interrupt. Group damage + standing in avoidable damage = deaths / wipe.
(I don’t know where they got this idea from?)
For example:
Halls of Valor trash before the 1st boss.
Ruby Life Pools the 2nd room…
→ Tanks don’t pay attention to the healers mana and available cooldowns and their decision making in how big the next pull can be is questionable at best. (in most cases)
I really struggle and have to use my innervate, mana potion and trinket on cd while drinking on every possible occasion. If i miss a heartbeat then i ll hold the group back.
→ DPS espacially melees stand in avoidable damage and because they survived the hits in lower keys, they think it’s okay to stand in 'em in higher keys as well
→ Interrupts, crowd control and stuns are a dps loss and we are not using them.
The incoming damage in nearly all dungeons is healable if everyone is actually using their brain. Most of the time, people have this rush mentality although it is sometimes smarter to pull less or to let the group recover. I honestly believe that quiet a few people have no clue how it is like as a healer and i think if dps and tanks would heal every dungeon for significant amount of time then they would be more careful when switching back.
The fun for me ends when i am clearly overwhelmed and the dps and / or tanks don’t adjust their strategy / mentality. I am not perfect and i do mistakes as well and there is definitly room for improvement but a lot of people need to understand that they have to give the healer a chance to keep the group alive.
That’s what is missing out the most in any average run. There are exceptions but they are rare and its more frustrating most of the time than actually fun.
+15 this season is close to difficulty of +18 from SL. +16 is like 18/19 last season. and if you did 18/19 then you know that stuff really hurt if people didnt do mechanics.
thats why stuff hurts so much when people do mistakes.
there is a reason why KSM this seaosn is a mix of 13 and 14s on both difficulties.
because this seaosn is just harder as it was meant to be to bring the m+ difficulty more in line with the rewards it gives .
next week 15/16 will become much easier though becuase anyone who has 2k rating will be able to just famr vp in +2 to get themsleves to 411 + itlv .
i feel kinda bad for people in like 18 bracket because of the "mediocre players but with huge ego " will move to 18s because of unlimited vp gear
It’s not the difficulty that is the issue for me here. It’s the brainless players that actually make it feel harder than it actually is.
I don’t have any direct comparison to Shadowlands because i didnt play that XP but if players would just respect the avoidable damage and would have some incentive to complete every key in time then the failure rate would go down significantly. Instead many just yolo themselves into +15s to get the reward and if that one group turns out to be a wipe fest, they leave and ruin the next key.
No wonder people are so cautious and use meaningless metrics in the game to try to sort out those players.
I, as a healer, go into every group and try to do my part the best i can to increase the chances of beating the time limit. The amount of times i am being dissappointed by crazy tanks or dps obsessed dps players is mindblowing, although its the tanks and dps that complain about the lack of healers.
I gave up on pugging a couple xpacs ago. I still occasionally pug a couple people if I’m with friends but generally I only go with people I know won’t scream at me for killing themselves.
It’s honestly a depressing job, pug healing, especially with some of the affix combos. It would be fun if you had the perfect teammates but the majority of time you don’t unless you’re a premade.
I have been called so many names, harassed after a dungeon (as in making a char on my server to swear at me some more) and had so many keys of my own and other people’s bricked by what seems like actual children throwing temper tantrums, but I know are more like middle-aged nerds with anger problems.
I just don’t have the patience to deal with people like that. I already deal with people who are obnoxious and rude at work, I don’t need to come into a game I play to have fun and do the same here.
That’s not to say I don’t made mistakes. I’ve asspulled like a noob, I’ve accidentally used a cooldown in downtime, I’ve stood in the fire cus “I just thought I can get that cast off” and many more things. Being chastised for stuff I’ve done wrong I’m fine with, like I’ll be the first to tell myself off :p, but it’s when you put all your effort in and get told you’re a useless pile of poop that makes you not wanna do it anymore.
The difficulty is fine. The problem is some of the bad eggs that soil the rest. I have met some truly lovely people doing M+ over the years, it’s just a shame it seems like more often than not it’s a mess just because of one person in the group.
well i see this as a opportunity to play a healer if everyone else isn’t playing one. make’s life so much easyier to get into group’s for us people that really don’t care about toxic player’s because well let’s be honest here. im too mature for that to even get to me in the first place. and people that complain about it being too hard. well that’s a healer’s job. be boring if it was easy. standing still just casting heal’s and nobody even going below 50%. that to me is boring and lack’s challenge. not for me i need to keep my mind working thank you
No. The most thankless job in the game is dps. Youre getting on by incompetent healers and tanks all day long. Especialy healers. If you dont know how to heal, manage your mana or do basic stuff like killing explosives or not dying to basic boss/trash mechanics im sorry but i wont be your punching bag.
They made healers actualy heal this expansion, and its hard for their mental health to comprehend that, so they lash out on dps all the time…just check out forums. Its unbeliveable.