Weekly : Where are the healers?

Thats the thing though,how am i gonna learn to heal when you just get abused when trying to level one up?

Affixes should be a team effort in pugs imo.


The main reason healers numbers are dwindling being the bad game design:

  1. “Forcing” healers to DPS was a really bad idea. DPS abilities and mechanics should be excluded from their rotation.

We had 1 DPS healer in the past, disc priest and I will be honest, the history of the spec is one huge clusterfrak.

  1. Class changes and general rotation

Core changes tend to discourage people from playing certain classes.

For example changing paladin’s mastery, making him a melee healer wasn’t fun at all.

Some healer specs are on RAMP rotation (druid, disc), which some players might find overcomplicating and again not fun.

Shaman and resto shaman in particular has a painful history being constantly underperforming. Special treatment from Holocaustas, I presume.

Spec truly is a mess, lacking ulitily, personal cd.
His mastery is like a borrowed power. Good for progress, but as time passed and tactics getting polished, his output diminishes. The concept of “Degrading” healer is quite depressing.

  1. While tanks has been overturned in DF, healers, on the contrary, hit the bottom. They feel really weak, numberwise. The mere thought that many of them can’t even top up the target quickly even at increased mana expense is disturbing.

  2. PvE designed to be carried out at healer’s expense. You can see it everywhere, lfr, raid, mythic plus. Healing is a stressful and unrewarded job at the same time and the game only punishes you further.

Now no one heals lfr. Players are not interested in healing high keys either.

Another reason is the playerbase.
The vast majority of the players are toxic, ignorant and plainly dumb.
Their attitude makes healing ungrateful.

Players, that’s been healing mmo for ages have a very low opinion on humanity and treat other players borderline as “sheat”.

Thus, with current state of affairs the only question is why is anyone still healing?


Yeah. My main’s a Night Elf resto druid and I’m really glad that I can have Shadowmeld to drop out of combat and start drinking near the end of a pull, fill up mana, and then use Tiger Dash to catch up with the party that’s already started fighting the next pack(s). I tried playing a priest and I hated being so slow and feeling like everyone was always waiting up on me because I needed to drink up.

One of the reasons I don’t heal any more. Used to heal since Vanilla, but it is enough.
Now I’m the dps.

If you watch any higher level keys (20s and higher) videos on youtube and compare the minimum amount of required healing those healer have to do with the amount of required healing the pug healers have to do then you will realize that there is a significant difference.
I don’t think healers have a problem with doing their part in a group but currently it feels like you face a impossible task because players don’t use the full potential of their class / specc while getting hit by avoidable stuff.

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Maybe people need to treat healers better. This week there’s so much to do for us, and everything to pugs is “a healer’s job”.

It doesn’t matter that you kill 80-90% of the orbs, so the rest can not worry, we keep people alive, and then you get a nasty PM of a tank on why no interrupt or purge, they just don’t get it. I got 2 hands, not 4, not 6, just 2!

After getting KSM, I wanted to continue my journey, but I feel in DF people really got more toxic and anti-social than in SL and previous expansions. It just doesn’t motivate me.

And I’m not saying Blizzard needs to do something, this is a people/community problem.

Controversially, I would stop healing if it was reverted to the green-bar-whack-a-mole it used to be. The strict separation of roles is a concept dating back to the dark ages of MMOs. And even then, older MMOs at least used to give utility to healers so they would at least get some variety out of the game. WoW took utility/CC support classes traditionally had in older MMOs and gave it to DPS classes, reducing healers to simple healbot classes.

After having played FFXIV instead of BfA, I have embraced having a bit of variety and a bit of actual contribution to the effort. Spamming the same heal (and different ranks of the same heal) for an entire dungeon or raid sucks. Sitting around picking your nose in healing downtimes so you don’t waste (or regenerate) mana you will need for heals later sucks.
And as I’ve been playing since vanilla, I know what it’s like to spam Heal for 4 hours straight to make empty bars go full again. Knowing how fun and interactive healers can be when you’re allowed to utilise other spells, I will never go back to being a healbot.

I am playing other games.

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I rather have extra support utilities than the dps ones. Fits more in the healing section than dps and makes you more than just an healbot.
Just love healing. Dps was never my cup of tea.

[quote=“Rothwyr-kazzak, post:42, topic:430772, full:true”]
Thats the thing though,how am i gonna learn to heal when you just get abused when trying to level one up?

Simple tactic that every adult use’s, ignore it and move on or if you can’t tell them straight they don’t like Fact’s. im still learning im leveling. if you don’t like it. there’s a button called Leave instance. and beside’s it’s against Blizzard policy to be toxic toward’s player’s making it easyier to get them banned, i’ve had multiple message’s from blizzard stating my report has been in effect toward’s that player’s account. just don’t care for them and if they do leave. well it’s only dps. plenty around to come join Instantaneously anyway’s so you really are not losing out :). have a good happy and laugh at those toxic player’s all day my friend hahahaha :slight_smile:

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nah players played like complete muppets in SL too - its just most never had any incentive to do anything above 15 because there was no reason and in 15 they were hard carried by fully mythic geared GV farmers.

add to this much harsher scaling - 15 is like 17,5 and 20 is now 23 from SL and you have receipt for disaster :slight_smile:

So i levelled my paladin from 50-60 and well, its not so bad so long as you remove any and all holy power associated abilities from your bar, in fact the only interaction with holy power I had was avenging crusader which is fine since holy power will now always be at 5 charges.

Hey blizzard how about just giving me a buff for staying at 5 holy power forever.

I must be the exception then - I did 4 keys opposed to only 1 (yep, I slack a lot lately…) because of the M+ weekly quest.

Maybe it was aligned to be an incentive for us.

I play a disc priest main in wrath (as that’s the equivalent of TBC and Vanilla’s Holy there, Wrath Holy suffers from mana problems and is weaker in general), and I rarely if ever DPS apart from wanding.

Unlike TBC, there are no mana breaks I can use to naturally refill (which would give me an incentive to DPS, which I did in heroics there back in the day), so I have to care with my mana. Spells don’t cost like next to no mana to use and my mana regen isn’t the best either. (Wish I had a Je’tze’s Bell.)

Yeah. I was so excited about the changes to Discipline Priest. To the point I made it my first alt. 2 months into the season I’m seriously considering giving it up, alongside with all my healer alts. For the first time in WoW’s history, I had fun healing in SL. Now I get nothing but stress from that. And I have enough of that in real life, I play this to have fun.


Here I am!

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