Yes my conclusion comes from WOTLK. Death Knight had different runic system and in retail all runes are, just runes. Rune 1,2,3,4,5. Is this exciting anyway? There are some gamers who don’t want this system to be changed as it would mess their rotation, well the problem with Death Knight and it’s design is this: It’s too simple and the excitement of you handling runes isn’t in the fantasy of the class. Death Knight is interesting class as it was going to be a ‘’ Runemaster ‘’ Not Death Knight, but all parts came together and Death Knight was created by the team.
In retail all slower weapons are gone. All melee weapons have a standard 2.60, 3.60 speed. The weight of the weapon is also highly important detail playing a Death Knight, you want slower weapon but this is not anymore possible as all slower weapons aren’t in the loot table in the newer version of the game.