Weird behaviour of Yazma

Hello fellow dungeneers !

So I stumbled upon something I simply cannot understand. People die when Yazma Soulrends, and I put a link.

So somehow, some people are dying. So I expect everyone to receive damage simultaneously. And then the link would work.

That is not what seemed to have happened. Party was at 100%. Everyone but 1 person received damage. Then the link re-distributed the lives of people, and then 1 individual got the damage from Soulrend, 1-shoting him.

ibb .co/9ptjRsd

Here is the link.

Have you guys seen this before?

Afflicted are being treated like players due to a bug, happens in a few other places.

Soulrend isnt hitting all at the same time.
I got a video of a weekly dungeon of my holy paladin
Put the speed on 25% or something. When the soulrend cast of yazma ends you see ‘souls’ flying towards all the players. The hunter goes a bit further away and you see the damage on the hunter is later.

Which means you can technicall kill a player with spirit link when some players are hit by soulrend, the health will be redistributed by link and then soulrend hits another player who is not of full health anymore.


I do think that it should be fixed somehow.

I find it really unfair that I cant use one of my most powerfull CDs on a fight in fear of killing someone because I missplaced it 0.01s too soon/early.

It cost me the AD26… so im kinda pissed something like this happens.

Dungeons are buggy as hell atm.

Rezan can fixate on afflicted mobs.

Some debuff in dht stays on the tank so they lose 20% of their health per second putof combat and so on.

It can be fixed by the party stacking, as they’re supposed to. Hunters love to stand in Narnia - I am one, so I know - but it doesn’t always pay.

We were stacked. The radius of the link is not that big.

The individual that died was not in narnia.

You were responding to Mistjo’s comment about one player being further away. You said that should be ‘fixed’.

Well i am basically only saying soulrend does not hit everyone at the same time. You can not stack pixel perfect either. I do not make a conclusion that is fair or not. I am not even sure you can calculate with the timer/castbar when you can place your link totem (like exactly the moment the cast of soulrend is done since it hits faster than the totem will re-distribute but you still get the DR).

I do not have a strong oppinion about it. What i do know is that i can not use one of my big healing cooldowns, revival, on some bosses either when i need to top players between dispells or dropping off debufs since my revival will dispell everyone and will wipe the group. Specs have perks here or there. And i think i accept that (or maybe even think that is a good thing).

When we hit +26’s i also think it is OK we hit some unbalanced wild wild west territory. All dungeons +25’s is 3280 score right now and is top 1.1% of the playerbase. Uda is even higher than that. It can’t be completely balanced at that level anymore.

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Fair enough. Im still pissed for that 0.01s mistake.

Il get over it. But it makes me feel better im not the only one that cant use CDs because of mechanics. Thanks.

Also I dont have all dungeons on 25. Still strugling on Rise… :frowning:

What debuff exactly? Got any info?

The nightfall debuff. Tank picked it up on the single bear from standing in bad and kept it all the way to the first boss where he eventually died.

It did more damage to them on in the fight than all the boss abilities.

A lot of people have been talking about that one. Apparently, you can get rid of it by stepping back into nightfall again and then stepping out of it… which sometimes works.

Wowhead seems to think it’s a consequence of follower dungeons and the need to treat NPCs as either enemies or party members. I suppose it would be wishful thinking to hope it can’t be fixed and they have to get rid of afflicted altogether…

Depeneds what they replace it with… Its one of the easiest affixes for me…

Well thanks! I keep an eye and ask the tank to suicide if he picks it up.

Yeah, it’s mostly OK in organised groups even if you don’t have a shaman (as long as you have someone else who can deal with it besides the healer). It makes pugging horrible, though because:

  • Plenty of healers take a break on afflicted week because it’s just one more thing for groups to blame them for if it goes wrong;
  • It’s difficult for any non-dispel classes to get invited to keys, and near impossible for those who already find it hard. (And yes, making your own group is a thing, but if every dps or tank who doesn’t have a dispel listed their own key, it would just make the healer shortage even worse to deal with.)

Yeah… but if I know blizz they wont just delete the affix (which they should for the reasons you mentioned).

Taking into consideration that it replaced Explosive… Blizz could just say “well now we replace Afflicted back to the old Explosive”… :smiley:

I prefer Aflicted to Explosive… :smiley:

And I prefer Afflicted over Incorporeal

Had one group today that I was watching in the group finder that had a DH tank, dh, warr and rogue as dps.

I was wondering who the hell is going to sign up for that as a healer. It was a DHT as well where you sorta need your normal dispels for things.

On the one hand its bad that they formed a group so stupidly, on the other hand its BLizz’s fault that that comp is a ‘stupid’ one this week.


usually afflicted doesn’t kill you, even if 2 goes off at the same time.
It can be really bad in certain situations and of course in high keys it probably is deadly, but I had several 20s runs where afflicted went off and nobody died.

Incorp on the other hand will just straight up kill you with 8s no healing and no dmg. Tanks often just flop then because they are reliant on selfheal.

afflicted really is the minor evil of both

It depends. If the tank relies on high haste to maintain uptime on their mitigation (prot pala being the one I play), it can be deadly. Even more so if the dps rely on high haste to keep doing damage and the healer relies on it to heal. You end up with a tank with less mitigation, healer with less healing, and mobs living a long time.

yes, like i said also depending when it happens.
As a healer I can say I switch to instant casts which most of the time is sufficient.

incorp just straight up kills dks and dhs in my experience