Welcome to Nazjatar


Seems like a nice zone, well balanced shard great fun


Haha yeah really been enjoying world PvP in Nazjatar. They should do something about a whole raid switching shard just as we’re about to win the event though.


Sounds like you guys are being ever so slightly sarcastic, but I’m not certain…

I wasn’t sarcastic. Honestly having a blast in Nazjatar. Not the zone itself but the WPvP part and especially the event.

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Very well balanced. Its almost the same balance, that was in march when your “honorable” faction had the famous AOO with a 400ilvl piece reward. Remember how good it was balanced back then? Full raids and parties of alliance, rampaging and wiping everything in their path? Camping even pet battles wq with groups,just to piss off the dishonorable horde scums? It was fun and balanced back then? Right?
Ohhh…payback is a bitc.h. I enjoy it so much xD


Payback IS a b.itch BUT this quest you told us about was to payback horde wo had Warmode for them for almost 6 month. Lot of Horde did forget that for Alliance there was no way to do WQs or questing in Warmode cause Horde were massively higher in Numers of players. Horde whined about not having any alliance in warmode to kill about 4 Month!! So Blizzard did u a favor and made this quest to give you some alliance in Warmode.

So stop arguing with uhh quest here and there. Blizzard fcked up - at start of WM till Now.

It was not the only thing. Remember the Warfrondesaster? Horde could join without minimum ilvl for it. Alliance needed minimum requierments for join. And and.

Bfa is the badest expansion about Fraction-Design an balancing. I know it. Lot of others know it. You know it.

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