Welcome to The Great Push!

Is someone giving birth?


This is actually really, really good.
Unlike the MDI

This is worth to take time off for, so a lot more players will participate, and top players also not participating in the MDI.

Good work blizzard. Although, let’s up the prize pool so that top players dont have to use vile acts such as RMT, and other things “Which they do!” “All of them!” “YES!” “ALL OF THEM!”

Up it and its perfect.

Also a very great suggestion to you blizzard, I am just a person who have no experience in developing games, or how to feed an audience. But I do think I have better ideas than you do.

While you launch top player events, “MDI” now this, how about you bring in a more casual tournaments for the lower bracket of players. Most people think we only watch AWC and MDI because its top players.

Wrong. There is just nothing else to lean on, if you let casual players who have friends participate in a casual environment they have friends, partners, family that’d want to watch them play, and it would yield double or triple the audience.

While you’re at it, get real blizzard employees to host, and cast the events.
As for the idea on how to make it suitable for casuals, shouldn’t be hard to find a way, but I am not paid to figure that one out, I don’t need to get paid neither, but thinking about ideas then sending them to you, and nothing happening ever, or any slight “thought” about what I sent in doesn’t appeal to me.

bobby crippeling wow with his leet bonus skills

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Nice, I always thought they play too small keys in MDI and this is just perfect for me. My own pushing days are far behind me but I’ll enjoy watching this.

No direct ads in this case, but traffic is money.
I also assume they moved to youtube from twitch due to monetization, either directly from youtube or due to other channels which i don’t know. But there is certainly a reason why you would go to youtube streaming instead of twich as twich is so much more popular and you still could add VODs on youtube if you wanted

More mage-rogue-balance e-sports :upside_down_face:

Cant wait to ignore this event completely
Remove e sports from wow

> WoW
> Esports
> Pick one

It’s neither interesting nor fun to watch, also hurts the game because instead of focusing on fun/engaging content, resources are spent into this boring event:


so… last desperate attempt with e-sports before you stop making whole game garbage to fit it for e-sports ?

hopefully so. and hopefull it crashes and burn like MDI because you deserve it after what you have done with game in SL

also its completly pointless - all they have to do is go to toxic io site and they can just give prizes to top 3 teams there.


And ten years ago, a Starcraft tournament had a prize pool of 100 Bitcoins (25 each for 5th to 8th place) and a few hundred dollars for 1st to 4th.

Just hope they kept them.

They do both :slight_smile:

MDI sickly make me puke this days spec after blizz target capping specs-classes and not others. What was the idea behind that one ? Playing as BM never have a chance do high keys 18+ whit other capped classes the timer is impossible . It is not skills it is class and spec. After last year boring sh.it show 2 rouges and this year mage-boomie NOT aoe capped classes me and mine friend dont give a holly crap about MDI. and top of all 20k as price money. Just stop blizzard this a joke lol

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Don’t watch MDI so have zero interest in this.
WoW is suppose to be a MMORPG not eSport.


And this sounds more like the consequences of a low fibre diet than a tournament name.


The Great Push to offer less winnings so Bobby can get more bonuses.


Followed by a great 200 million bonus

I find it funny the MDI types on YouTube are bashing us on the forums for our point of view on this.

Great Push, great drop and great wipe and wash your hands great!


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