Welcome to The Great Push!

Why do we need this tournament again?
I mean just check rio website for highest completed keys and you have the results already?

will be same comps over and over again which makes it a snooze fest.
The only good thing (hopefully) is that we may get a full screen play instead of 2 small split screens which even suck on 31" display

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Compared to the player base they claim to have, the viewer count is indeed quite low, but it is not nobody and it seems they still benefit financially from it.

I guess it has about 60k (?) live viewers, but lets face it, watching that slog live is like watching a movie in tv with 500 commercial breaks.
Most people will watch it as VOD to skip the boring blub that accounts for probably 4h (!) or about 60% of the tournament.
Time zones of course play a different role.

Thing is Blizz will earn a lot more from commercials, ads and just traffic than 20k.
Sure they want to pay the bills for the people who planed this gabanzo out but it is like whatever.
100% certain they are earning money with this. Keeping the prize pool this low is sad, but they know the same teams will play no matter what, even if the prize pool is 0 as the 2 top teams have their own sponsors and stream revenue anyways.

Now there are basically just 2-3 teams that are competitive the rest as usually will get absolutely obliterated because they may not be able to invest as much time into the game as the top teams who get paid anyways.

Also those teams are only there because the prize pool is just a joke. If it had 500k$ you would see a lot chinese or korean teams competing and mostly crushing EU & NA, but they just don’t give a damn about WoW anymore as there is not money to earn.

because their esports team apparently consists only of inexperienced interns that scrape together some stupid ideas.
No other explanation for that.

The UI in both of the esports (pvp & pve) is just terrible and they are not even able to add certain abilities to the UI over the course of YEARS!!!. any basic addon is able to do that already.
That alone tells stories.
Another thing is to display the mind games bug live in the tournament which is in the game for many months and still not fixed.

prize pool, layouts, formats and especially balance of classes is another joke in itself that nobody even needs to mention.

WoW with premade chars actually could have a potential to be a good esports platform, but it would need to be implemented a lot differently.
The way they operate it is just boring to watch

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This is how you spent time? I don’t care about your push. This is not Great Push, this is great disappointment. Oh my word, it must have been so difficult to offer $20,000 to the winner team since Bobby has taken the whole bonus.
You could be more productive focusing on classes and for once sorting them out so everyone can enjoy pushing their keys. I will probably be waiting in queue until a good samaritan invites me to his much lower key comparing to my gear instead of watching this thing because I guess nothing will change before and after.


Well that sounds really cool actually

Its not 20k for the winer team, its the total prize pool, 1st place team gets 8k split to 5 ppl :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Although I’m not really a fan of PvE e-sports more events is always nice :smiley:

Price pool for these is laughable though

Welcooooome to the great p… pu… yawn

I honestly don’t see any point to this event. It’s basically what people are already doing anyway? Competing for r1 on RIO.

Also, the prize pool is terrible. If you want to promote M+ as an e-sport (which in my opinion is completely wrong, WoW should never be an e-sports, it’s an MMORPG), then you need to actually incentivize people to participate, and 20k total prize pool is nowhere near lucrative enough.

I honestly personally believe you should just give up on trying to promote WoW as an e-sport game. Perhaps it would be wiser to focus on making the game fun instead of designing it to be super competitive.

We need more fun, explorable and immersive mega dungeons, instead of just a bunch of linear tubes designed for competitive speed runs. Of course, the linear dungeons are needed for M+, and that’s fine, but I’d personally like to see a better balance between the two types.

Just my two cents.


Yeah. 100k/50k/25k would be great reward for the top 3 teams.

They don’t run their vids on youtube with ads? And even if that is €1 per 1000 views on average. 60 euros for their vid, can’t even pay the commentators for it, let alone get those 20k back.

On both sides it’s all about indirect profits. Either gained subs and longer play time on one side, and more views on their own channels on the other side. The entire competition is NOT for the prizepool.

You can also argue that those teams should be so hapy they cán make their own content and earn money using Blizzard’s IP. This (MDI) is purely a promotion for their own channels, usually this can even costs quite some money - but in this case they can even earn some.

There is 0 justification in increasing the prize pool. The only reason you’d do this is to make the tournament bigger thus gaining more views. There is not a single guarantee that this happens. It’s a niche product and should be treated this way.

The only way to make it more profitable is to cut down the preperation time.

Well theres no other content to play.

Why does blizzard keep having to learn from the same mistake, the content draught is real.

This interested me more than MDI. Plut it’s streamed on Twitch and not Youtube.

The MDI and AWC? Never watched it on Twitch, they (also) live it on YT.

“The tournament will be broadcast live on YouTube and Twitch, and players will also be able to stream their”

Never bothered with MDI, won’t bother with this. Blizzard do have a strong reputation in rehashing the same content so doesn’t surprise me that this is what they’d rather waste their time with. :pensive:

Welcome to the great push!!


pushes off button


“Sir, we’re bleeding players and people who play off-meta classes and covenants are getting harder times to play the game, what should we do?”
“Let’s make a tournament where meta comps can show that we’re eh… uhm…”


No one cares about esports.



More MDI Toxicity to add to the already withering player base.