Welcoming new, returning, and veteran WPVPers (Horde)

Hello fellow casual WoW PVP enjoyers!

I recently returned to retail PVP, which has been my preferred game mode since TBC when I became and arena and BG junky. Most of my WoW mates are all PVE andies, so finding people to enjoy WPVP activities, arena, and BGs can be kinda hard and frustrating.

I created a new in-game community specifically for Horde players looking to tackle the extreme faction imbalance in WPVP https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/9ElLvPxuePj?region=EU&faction=Horde

If you are looking for friends to do WPVP quests and events, BG Blitz, or Arenas, then join us! FOR THE HORDE!

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