Well, 2 handed weapons are back?

  • Stormstrike can now be used without an offhand weapon, dealing only its main hand weapon damage.

I don’t use lava lash for pvp so i dont need off hand for anything.

Msw generation could maybe mean something but i dont think it will effect much which could also be fixed with a slight buff.

Well, tear in my eye. Thank you blizzard!

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Nothing changes for endgame or optimization, but those that want to rp they get the option to using stormstrike with 2H.

Not gonna be optimal, but will be way better for level up and low levels, and for late game I guess you can use it for open world.

Well, first, this is enough for me. Really REALLY ty blizzard.

Secondly, since i accually won’t have ANY dps difference in pvp with my build. Some small twists could make it work in endgame optimization too.

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I’m happy for you! That was a good change for blizzard for people that wanted the fantasy, since it did not need any changes/balancing.

I doubt that this would be true, since we have MANY things that scale with weapon speed and weapons (WF, MSW charges, procs).

I think they should keep 2H in mind for the future in the next enh rework, but for now I do not think it would be good to “chase” after making 2H “competitive” that would need too much work akin to a full rework. WHEN that rework happens, I see no reason to not have the option for 2h.

Yea yea im not saying it should be imminent. But having this atmosphere, where is lava lash becoming more and more “in line” with some of the builds. Also where msw generation is more procced by abilities rather than swings. When we JUST got “2 charge” stormstrike…

Frankly, for storm build in pve, i bet 2h will only be like %10-15 behind even now.
After so many years, its happening.

Don’t think you can stormstrike with 2h, pretty sure the only change is you no longer need an offhand in order to use it so new players can use it when they unlock it if they don’t have an OH yet.

If you check the new tooltip in the wowhead article it still says requires a 1h weapon.



We want it as Tmog , nothing will hurt from having same option as Holy paladin has to Tmog into 2hander , also about “Optimal” you can never know and just “Believe” it won’t be optimal just like other classes get Procs differently when having the option to switch into 2 hander (Frost DK/Monks/Feral druids) it all can work and will work if blizz will want to.

Why the f cant it happen man.

We just need stormstrike to hit with 2handers.

Or just transmog of it!

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For me, this is the best possible solution. Because there are other RP issues that people want, but cannot be solved with talents.

Like my case. I dont like to see shields. So I would like to t-mog the shield off and turn it into a staff.

And other classes have the same issue. Warriors would like 1-shanders. Paladins would like to have shield+spear instead of shield+sword.

Ect… A long list of stuff we could mog…


At least allow to do 2h transmog…

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