…that even the new bonus doesn’t make any difference. The alliance in WM still doesn’t exist and the Horde still every Elite, every Chest. Blizz, do something with your failed WM!
Not sure they turned something on sharding or it is the bonus. Or if its the fact that first ppl can fly now and dont have to rush trought the zones. Or if all horde did theyr killquests on wednsday.
I had the first time today i could do some quests. Attack and get attackt by single or two players at the same time. Sometimes there went by more horde on the way to theyr destiny and helped them out killing me. Sometimes i could kill one. Sometimes it was possible to run away.
This was really fun today for me i could live like that in warmode. Of course there also were ganking groups. But you had them always on opvp. But it‘s difference how many of them they exist.
But only in Nazjatar. In mechagon it was not that bad as it was since start 8.2 but i had the feeling that it was more balanced as the days before.
PVP event also started today in Nazjatar. But horde got all bases in 3 Minutes and ghey won 3000/0 - not sure what happend there.
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