That’s PvP… mobs don’t grief people. People do.
Not really , they’re pve ghouls but controlled by players. The mobs themselves are PVE. That’s also why they don’t have a name
Yup. And if people don’t find it fun, they stop playing. It could easily be made opt in and then everyone wins.
Well you can stop playing until next week indeed
No. Controlled by players is Player vs Player. I give up.
just be happy theyre nerfed and not like last time round

just be happy theyre nerfed and not like last time round
At least it was memorable.

No. Controlled by players is Player vs Player. I give up.
The Pve ghouls as you call them also randomly attack players though which is my point , what’s the difference ?
indeed, i still remember it fondly, i enjoyed it and never really understood the crying
;(( i miss original event. i hate these moaners who ruin meaningful events for ‘‘convenience’’
PvE mobs randomly attack, yes. Player mobs do not randomly attack. They zerg. They grief. They camp the quest givers deliberately to annoy people trying to just do the quest. They have smart people controlling them, PvE mobs are programmed.
But in the end what I am railing against is the forced flagging. Under no circumstances should I EVER be forced flagged. There are options to do PvP and I opted out, how dare they try to force against my decision? What is the point of putting the options in if they are just going to force it? The day WoW becomes completely PvP is the day I leave.

But in the end what I am railing against is the forced flagging. Under no circumstances should I EVER be forced flagged.
And this is where opinions seem to differ. Back in the day it didn’t flag you as a PvP participant it’s true, but that did nothing to save you from AoE bursts of infectious plague being spread. From your allies as well, more often than not.
I concede that it is an issue if players from the enemy faction spend their time ganking unwilling PvP flagged players, and that the implementation in that regard has been another in a series of strange decisions concerning this event. But let’s not pretend anyone were safe back in the day.

indeed, i still remember it fondly, i enjoyed it and never really understood the crying
I absolutely understood why some players found it disruptive. That was the intention of the event after all.
What it came down to was whether that disruption was something that made you adapt and communicate with others in order to avoid or even combat the players being ghouls, or if you threw up your hands and chose not to participate. Obviously, depending on what you did at the time, you’ll remember the event differently than others.
I had a decent kill count iirc.
Oh noes I got flagged, better log off for a week.

Zombies don’t exist in real life.
We’ve still got all of December 2020 to go, lets not tempt fate.
Ever since they introduced Warmode I see no reason in forcing people into PvP. Its the same with holiday events and such.
Does that mean things can’t have PvP segments? No, but let us activate it for when we want to PvP and not being pushed into it.
I’m just not that interested in PvP any more.

Oh noes I got flagged

When you do the quest in argent dawn that requires you to open a portal to Orgrimar, people are camping the spot you have to turn the quest in on. So you cant avoid it.
Far cry from just being upset at the PvP flag.
I just realised, this is like wow being my favorite grocery store. And this week, they’ve filled the entrance with manure. But its only for a week. And you can still get all the groceries you want, you just have to cross through a chest high container of cow dung before you enter. Sure, they also have a side entrance, but it has been closed this week, because the manure aficionados realised that most people would just use that entrance, and thats no fair. For over 10 years people have been allowed to enter the store without being covered with fertiliser, and they have suffered through it. So for just one week people can suck it up swoop through the poop.
But…I think ill just go to Lidl this week, if its all the same to you
What auto flagin ? i haven’t been flagged.
Are there any required quests for the prepatch feat of strength that require any interacting with the zombies? I was kinda hoping to avoid this part of the event as it’s not really my sort of thing. I don’t mind a bit of world PvP (although I have now gone fully WM off on all of my characters) but I dislike the idea that trying to do anything else in the game (like going anywhere from Orgrimmar) will be disrupted.
Casual tears, everywhere