Welp, see you all in a week

I’m definitely no PvP’er but this was damned fun. I even made some honor points for the first time in years.

Too bad on my server the crates dissapeared and the fun with it.

Oh well.

A small cheeky part of me wants to say: “See! Now do you understand us PvP’ers and why we don’t want to be forced into PvE? It’s equally unfun for us!”

But yeah it sux in general to be forced into a gamemode you do not have interest off cough so I understand where you are coming from.


Aaaaw man, spot on… spot on!

1 tiny Ghoul kills a PvE carebear and the forums are flooded with tears, yet PvP’ers have to endure doing PvE to gear up for years now.


Doubtful it’s a bug, it’s been like this for 24hr on NA servers now.

Fact of the matter is basically, they’ve gotten into everywhere as players will find a way. Can’t level my alts, because they run to leveling zones… Etc. A week of not playing retail for anyone that’s not interested, or anyone that RPs but cannot RP during this event because corpse runs.

To be honest, there’s no sense in making random ghouls as powerful as they were before. They are the fodder of the Scourge, weak individually and deadly in large numbers.

Heres the thing, to stay in my example. You pvp’er have been rolling around in crap for years, making angry sounds whenever you are forced to take a bath in order to interact with the rest of us

Now for a week you and blizzard want all of us to jump into the dung heap, and you gloat because “we have had to bear being clean occasionaly for years now”

But its not really the same, is it? pvp is a minor, minor part of the community after all. One that most people dont want to be part of, and just wants to be able to opt out of. Is that really so bad.

Not that it matters, its easy to go do something else. Once the damn download finish shakes angry fist at router

Have you tried to run with the story and for example RP-gather a bunch of citizens to defend the city?

Already tried that, doesn’t stop the lag, phasing issues now, and ghouls running right into you every second to try and explode. Can’t really type with all that going on, now can you?

FYI, Roleplay does not = gameplay attacking ghouls. Roleplay in the context of WoW has always been text based. Hence, full text RP profiles.

My heart bleeds for you. :roll_eyes:

People like you are why people are happy when PvP gets no changes and dies just a little more every expansion tbh


That is complete BS.

“people like me”? … i hate PvP. But i really enjoy the RP-surprise of beeing assaulted based on the STORY that is going on.

RP is not just endlessly texting eachother … you can do that with Whatsapp.

What i meant is adapting to the situation and RP a role for yourself within the actual story… not WHINE because your texting gets disturbed.

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You’ll be the moment a zombie explodes in your face.

Why would I stop playing? I actually want the ghouls! I want to spread this wonderful contagion far and wide until the entire world is one big Necropolis and I sit upon a throne of delicious brains!

But I also understand that a significant portion of the playerbase does not want this (and given the nerfs to the event it is probably safe to say that they’re in the majority). So if this event was opt-in then those who don’t want ghouls will be happy, and those who want ghouls can go berserk in the world without having a five minute time limit on ghoulification. And it might, just might, let us have events like this more frequently rather than once per decade. Trying to devour the world would make for a fun Halloween event.

Nothing happened like half hour now.

RP is indeed completely done through text. Hence, walk-up RP in stormwind is… always in text. People make posts, and then sometimes emotes. That’s literally RP. The fact you don’t know this, means you don’t play on an RP server… and surprise, a troll playing a troll. Another for the ignore.

PvP was a major part of the community. Most populated servers during Vanilla up to MOP were PvP servers.

In Classic, PvP servers have the majority population.

PvP’ers were always the majority but the PvP gameplay and geared was so butchered in the last 3 expansions that it made it completely unappealing.

Developers made PvP unrewarding and therefore it drove people away from it.

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Ghouls are here? I’m so excited!

At least we now have something to do other than sit around waiting on rares all day :slight_smile:

I can’t wait to die repeatedly! Nothing new there right enough…

Complete BS. Or maybe in that bubble you RP in it actually is. Who knows.

Awww… first you get hit by nasty OOC ghouls and now the bad troll disagrees with your personal RP-wetdream.

Sounds to me like you are ALWAYS annoyed or offended by something.

The PvP flag is not the same as War Mode flag. Case in point: walking into an enemy quest hub in zone and getting attacked by its guards. Your War Mode is still off, but you are PvP flagged.

This morning spawned simultaneously

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