‘Not a pvp event’ player ghouls, and force flagging. It’s a PvP Event, thanks.
and no, it effects leveling zones too.
I want a fun event.
I guess next time I should suggest an event that just… bans all PvPers, griefers and more from playing the game for a week. Sound good? Sounds like fun to me. :3
yeah lets remove anything considered dangerous or unexpected becasue it ruins the fun of sadacts like this panda if her little bundle of pixels is disrupted for a short space of time…god i bet your fun at parties
its a short term event in line with the theme of the upcoming expansion and the world being under attack, you talk as if all this is happening for no reason, jesus christ get over it
It is unacceptable. It’s really simple. Blizzard have to change this.
There is NO reason to force pvp on people who don’t want that. There is a perfectly fine answer to all of this: warmode.
anyway this thread is totally toxic so im no longer gonna even try and preach to the utterly braindead but its quite simple. this event is happening, its part of the theme of the upcoming expansion with the world being under attack which is why its happening, if you are so petty that you want blizzard to put off an entire once in a blue moon event that perfectly fits in the storyline and everything leading up to shadowlands just becasue you dont want the minor inconvience of dying every now and then then your just pathetic, do the rest of us who dont take dying in a video game as seriously as if it happened in real life a break and just unplug till next tuesday. I know damn sure you whining about it on the forums isnt going to change things anyway, you are a noisy minority nothing more.
oh and it does make me chuckle to think that some of those im gonna be killing and zombiefying in stormwind this week may have the attitude of those above and so tottally be throwing toys out of pram when I do so :P:P
Just a quick reminder for the people all to eager to turn people into zombies against their wish:
You cannot FORCE anyone to play what you want. If you can and will attempt, they will just leave. You will still not force them into PvP. You’ll just force them out of the game and still get no sick enjoyment out of harassing them.
your the one trolling, you cry over a limited time event one that you can easily avoid if your smart about it but nooo blizz are monsters for adding such a event.
honestly to say your in a guild with gladiator in it you start crying very easily.