i bin in a lot of av last weeks there are a lot of afk and botting players around we even had a group whit 16 afk people all bin reported multiple time and wen they are botting we anounce that also buth 4 weeks long the same bots and afk players keep returning this is as wel on hord as on allaince side.
the bots are a lot from firemaw buth also from everlook and nethergard to give some names [snip - please keep in mind that naming & shaming other players is not allowed]
You may not name and shame on the forums.
You’ve done what you can by reporting the suspected botters.
As mentioned above, naming and shaming is indeed not allowed in the Forums.
Bots, cheaters and similar should be reported exclusively via the methods described in this article: https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/2648