Hey Blizz why don’t you just remove our class and we can find new game to play since you hate our class. Playing since tbc never seen this class overpowered like Rogue,Mage or Shaman. We always get butchered by class design. I get it you won’t change anything even though all cries from my fellow warriors. Then there is one thing to do for solution. Remove our class from game then we can move on!
I think a lot of warrior players were hoping and expecting some positive changes to warrior as a class going into season 2 since both dps specs were rather weak and uninspired in PvE in season 1, and what we got on the PTR for Undermine(d) is massive nerfs to protection and new spell effects for colossus smash and warbreaker that were overwhelmingly negatively received. So I can certainly understand the frustration of players. If warrior is your main and you are not happy where things are currently going with the class, maybe try a different one or just take break from the game in general. Personally, I’ll wait for the patch notes for Undermine(d) and if I don’t like what I see, I’ll play something else.
I won’t make constructive criticism anymore. We passed that point long ago. Die hard warriors like us must make more dramatic actions to get Blizzard’s attention like canceling subs etc. If I reroll class. They will think like whatever we do they will keep sub and play game. Since they all care game’s economically productivity, won’t make any changes to warrior’s gameplay. As long as game sells. I don’t think Bllizard care about how much game fun etc. Like any other big money based bussiness. As consumer we must show our annoyance within situation.
You are die hard warrior?
Yes I am so what?
Unsub is the only way to really show up on the “I can’t take it anymore” metric system to be honest, playing another class means only that they have more representation in the flavor of the month but numbers of subscription are stable.
No you are not. Die hard warrior is someone who reach high m+ raiting ( i would say 3k+) , kill some mythic bosses(if not all) etc etc, someone who keeps playing the class despite is badly design and still managed to keep up with the fotm classes… more or less. You are just a warrior, far from being die hard one ( just as me).Plenty of other classes , maybe you can become die hard… idk monk. How removing the class would change anything as you so delicately suggest? Does the warrior need changes? Yes big time, especially utility wise!!! If you don’t feel like playing anything else, well… you know what to do. Making whine
threads won’t change anything. Take care!
Checked your profile. Your posts are generally on side of Blizzard and trolling people.Typical internet hater. My mistake was answering to you sorry. I should not take serious.
I as a warrior would also like to share my current experience with season 1 as it wraps up. Even now being on 628 gearwise and having quite good distribution of the important stats like crit strike + haste with talents from a guide, I still feel like I am not doing much in m+ and also recently trying zekvir?? I was struggling with downing egg in time. In raid though I saw myself gently in the middle or even slightly towards the top in normal/heroic.
So I don’t know is the problem with me just lacking skill and not doing my rotation properly or really as the topic suggests our class is just weak this season (playing arms btw)
Warrior is mediocre in S1, which is sadly not enough since this season in particular is very meta driven. Won’t be better in S2 as of now, but there is still two weeks of PTR balancing - problem for warrior rn, all the devs can do is number cranking, which is a band-aid fix at best.
Yes i love trolling people , especially ones with whining threads like yours. You are the one suggesting Blizz hate our class, have to be removed or better yet find another game to play. I am sorry but i can’t take you serious.Those kind of threads all over the class forum , by that logic Blizz hate all the classes because there is always one similar to this. Call me hater or whatever you want , couldn’t care less.
“Remove our class from game then we can move on!” sound like a childish tantrum to me. This is the current state of the game and class whether you like it or not. Deal with it or find another game to play as YOU so delicately suggest.
End of conversation!
And this is one opinion to remove warrior childish or not. They balanced very good warrior but not other classes thats the problem they give to many limits to skills with long cooldowns low rage regen and all skills on clobal cooldown even this skill demolish is trash channeling skill that all can avoid easly even mobs. And 0 immune def to be honest warrior and specifically arms is like victim,junk,trash.
Warrior is the most boring class in any RPG, so yeah I’d be all good with a wholesale removal.
Says the druid, of a class that only ever exists in a narrow scope of western RPGs inspired by D&D’s take on what “druid” should mean. If the concept was actually widely popular and interesting, it’d be way more widely adopted (it had almost three decades at the very least to do so), yet it isn’t.
zug zug
The interpretation and implementation of Druid in WoW is good - likewise for most other classes in the game, which also have a unique WoW flavour (when compared to the same roles in other games). Warrior is one of the few which feels exceptionally generic. YMMV.
Personally, I find Warrior to be good precisely because it has very little to do with what Blizzard considers cool or interesting. It’s an area where my and Blizzard’s “idea of cool” have an overlap.
Conversely, I have very little interest in any WoW class that isn’t Warrior, Rogue or Mage. Druid? Shaman? Boring treehuggers with negative style points. DK, DH? Overly edgy and not in a fun way (I love a lot of edgy characters, but neither DK nor DH really fit). Hunter? I dislike pets, and Blizz recently confirmed that “pets” is the main theme Hunter has (which is good, it frees up “guns” for someone else). Warlock is slightly better, because at least Grimoire of Sacrifice exists. Priest, Paladin? Holy magic makes me yawn every time. Evoker, ha, ha, ha, right.
Warrior is solid (though Titan’s Grip was a mistake and Fury should’ve stayed 1H), Rogue always has at least one interesting spec (currently it’s Assa, back in TBC/Wrath I loved Combat, though I can’t get behind Outlaw), and so does Mage (though I’ve never liked Frost, to tell the truth). These class fantasies still work, more or less.