What about removing

Blind CD doesn’t really matter as long as it’s 2min or above. In the end, if it’s 3 and you use your trinket for something else, you will often end up losing anyways.

Regardless, I don’t that’s an ability that should be changed. It’s pretty core. Again, that’s the other stuff allowing the CD to be reduced below trinket duration that would need removing imo.

Ain’t that what matters though !

I’m pretty sure playing Arms Prot, and being proud climbing with it, is the dumbest thing ever, but some people have fun doing it, and that’s what matters to them, not my opinion, right ? Wink wink

You’d hear it alot less if people stopped crying about balance on a pre patch =)

Well CDR just shouldn’t exist in the game. Blind should be 2mins with no way to reduce it. The only reason that dumb blind talent is still in the game is because outlaw wasn’t played.

And yes the CDR build even as sub is also dumb.

If people stop complaining about pre patch then nothing will change until SL release :slight_smile: its simple maths. Tell blizzard (who arent listening btw) whats wrong with their game so they can fix it before the actual release of the expansion.

If no one says anything about anything then blizzard will just think everythings fine and not do anything.

They aren’t listening because its a pre patch, you are failing to realise that the game is balanced around Shadowlands at lvl 60 and NOT pre patch lvl 50, a class thats weak now can be very strong at 60 with gear in Shadowlands due to how classes scale with certain stats. So if they nerfed and buffed classes in pre patch when Shadowlands launches the balance would be off again and they’d have to re do it again. The only place you should be asking for buff/nerfs is on the Beta since the lvl cap is where PvP will be taking place, not lvl 50. Pre patch balance is always a mess because its been shifted up to account for things at the new lvl cap.

Why can’t people understand this? the only things they’ve been nerfing or changing are Azerite traits, but they are irrelevant.

The classes that are strong now in pre patch is also extremely strong on the beta. The beta and pre patch isnt that different. Now I do agree with you that this is just the pre patch and things will change when we get different gear and a few more abilities but its not going to be as big as you make it sound i dont think.

Classes which are broken now will stay broken.

Difference to Beta however that classes which are bad atm are getting slightly better.

Like DH and WW for example. Holy pala at 60 is also a lot better than in prepatch but still behind all the other healers as they basically stay the same.

Only broken speccs rn which is more manageable at 60 is SP, and Ret though Ret still can oneshot at 60. And Ele i guess

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Ele does i faced one 80-0 2 globals

At 60 Ele has no broken blood of the enemy though so you have more chance to counteract

Not sure about that. We had retpalas back in bfa prepatch with healing like right now. They nerfed that healing later at the start of bfa i think.

Ww is s tier
Arms is s tier
Sub is s tier i think we can be happy once

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I don’t really think arms is s tier. Reflect is nerfed.
Right now it does big dmg because of slam proc azerite trait.

+1 to the remove healing. My biggest problem with rogs and hunters and mages(?) that they can heal themselfs while keeping a really big burst. Atleast in older expansions you could play the long game with them and kill them with small damages or dots while keeping yourself up.

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