Why all community have to play interregionally, but russian could play full realm premade on BG? What the hell is that? Why I can’t queue as my whole guild for BG but russians can
Thats not a premade. They are just dumb
There’s only ONE alive server on Russia which contains 99% of the population. We have queues to AV less than EU does, how do you expect to have a premade with 8000 horde online?
and you are also known to organize mass joins with everyone on voicechat …
see this is THE problem, we cant do that … only you can
and it doesnt matter if you get full 40man premade that way or “just” 25-30, the result is the same, a organized raid on voicecoms facing mix of randoms from many different servers with language barriers - because for some stupid reason cyrilics are the only ones that get special treatment, no other national servers get to not to be mixed in with english speaking majority
blizz either has to lock down your servers from EU battlegrounds OR equalize the rules and mix your groups with ours. the current state means a lot of people - me included - instant leave any BG where they see cyrilics on the opposing team.
also your playstyle of griefing the losing side doesnt help any, its waste of our time to even try because even if we would win, its a loss anyway because in the same time we can finish 3-4 other BGs and have better gains even on losses in every one of them than on win against turtling russians
it isnt true, noone even write anything in chat except some jokes
dude again, we have few thousands people joining AV, how do you expect to form premades? We have 20 DKs each BG, many underleveled ones. With so much people playing it’s IMPOSSIBLE to form a premade.
If you don’t want to PVP and have fun it’s up to you, but don’t try to say that we have premades
And why would horde premade AVs when the winrate is already 99% lol
uhh simple, join on command puts you into queue right next to each other … you do know what queue means and how it works right ?
if 60 of you push the join button at the same time there is way too high of a probability of most of your groups ending in the same BG …
do it with 120 people and chances go up
all you have to do at that point is make people that end up in same BG to move to separate voice room …
so please stop acting as if we are so stupid that we cant figure out how you do it …
Are you trying to proove that you need something more like mandatory voice comms (remember premading is long forbidden by game mechanics) e.t.c. to be able to win against Drek rushes who give up at first sight of Russian team? Everyone knows your tactic well and if, let’s say French would be separated into being able to team up only with their own realm they would adopt this tactic and use it against EU as well. Tactic that has been developed long ago when premades were a thing.
if you want to call pointless griefing “tactic” …
secondly forced comms wouldnt change a thing, what makes premade is that everyone WANTS to do it in a group, forcing randoms on comms wont do anything but get more toxicity than there already is …
and lastly no french wouldnt “adopt the same tactic” because they would be smart enough to realize that by that “tactic” BOTH team lose … only you people are dense enough to use a tactic that makes you lose even if you win
Don’t I know it? I was playing Season of Mastery with ALL horde joining discord premades. And you know? Even with Queue dropping, twice less population, less people playing other BGs (AV only) and with hundreds of people in discord, AT BEST it had 20 people in it, more usually 5-10.
Now it doesn’t even show your BG number, so you can’t drop queue. Please don’t talk this because clearly you are just putting random “inside info” that doesn’t correlate with reality
Anyway, who cares, you will be /afking every time you see a RU “premade”, and this will continue in WOTLK (don’t forget wintergrasp we are also joining it against you)
who cares, we meet you in 1 in 10 BGs, we will just leave and go into the next one anyway and as we only need one win per lockout server wide … WGrasp wont matter one bit
see the beuty of your turtling and prolonging the BG as long as possible is that by the time you finish the one you are in, we already dropped the deserter debuff … and finished another 2 AVs netting us more gains thatn you even with this nonsense
Yeah right that’s why there are 10 posts of crying about it, you don’t care about PVP → I don’t care about Honor, because I’ve been honor capped for 2 weeks and still playing BGs. WE are different
see there is a thing about problems having to be brought up to be solved but i guess thats foreign concept to you with your “shut up or i will throw you to gulag” mentality …
yes we are very different, when i want to play actual PvP battleground i go to AB or EOS, not PvE based AV …
but hey you have to actually be good at the game to do those, cant just blend into a crowd zerg premade to make yourself feel good about how “good” you are …
Thats not a premede, now many time we must repeat this
you may repeat a lie a thousand times it wont make it into truth pal …
you know the saying “Doyou know how you can tell a russian is lying ? His mouth is moving.” …
Im not russian, and im not playing on Russian server
But this is not a premade and thats is 100% true, like you this or not, you can check it, thats russian private server meta
I bet you suck at all BGs, or your team carries you. Unlike you, I have 70-80% winrate across all other BGs that I’ve played a lot farming 600 marks for mounts and WoTLK, and that I continue to do after prepatch.
PVE Based AV? In which I get 3500 honorable kills per day? Nice PVE if you ask me
cute how all russians denie the premade thing, may be its true. but dont say a word to their griefing tactics. prolonging the bg way over its usefulness.