What activity defines your main?

They did this as a poll on twitter but I thought we could have a discussion. What activity does your main do?


M+, basically only thing i do in wow these days.


Although I do a lot of activities on my main, I would say I fall into the Raid/M+ category.




Mythic+ ! Absolutely enjoy Ret PvE.

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They are my favourite character/class. I guess I’d have to vote for Quests/Rep but ultimately they end up doing the professions and LFR too. They’re the one that goes through everything first, completes it all, unlocks it all. When I have done everything on my main I do my alts and wait for the day I have new stuff to do.

So it sucks when I want to change main because I don’t really enjoy the class any more because they don’t have everything super maxxed out but with warbands this lessens the issue for me.

The question was also posted on their youtube channel.
Slightly different numbers but the same order of popularity

Edit: oh and umm… quests for me :stuck_out_tongue:

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I did some raiding until WoD, after all my guildies stopped playing WoW, I mostly stick to Collecting and BGs, LFR isn’t really my thing.

What’s a main?

Well anyway besides leveling alts I do a lot of questing and collecting.

I also like unorthodox gameplay on alts. I have characters leveling in closed off starting zone by killing stuff until they reach the scaling cap. I was also making a speed alt. Managed to make a level 60 DK with a +37% movement speed in pre-SL content (+20% in SL because Azerite doesn’t work there).

The literal kill boars?

Quests / RP / Rep

And, follower dungeons.

I’m thinking about dropping blacksmithing again. The game showers us with gear and I don’t feel that it is very useful. It is also way more complicated than it used to be.

I mostly use AH for selling stuff.

Well, kinda. I have a level 17 character in Exile’s reach (stopped gaining EXP from kills). Also Have a level 63 evoker in the Forbidden Reach still leveling (though only the sea creatures scale to my level at this point).

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Ever done that with the Pandaren starter?

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I got to like level 41 before the squish, have a level 20 there right now on a starter account.

Main means for me the character that has the most playtime out of all my chars.

Which is this warrior by far. I tend to play multiple characters each expansion. Either to keep m+ challenging and fun or to challenge myself.

Or to play multiple roles each time.

M+ mostly, some heroic pug raids I guess to get trinkets or such.


RBG, solo shuffle, Brawls

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I mostly occupy myself chasing items, achievements, cosmetics and mounts when time permits. Roleplay takes up the majority of time really :3

I do run raids and mythics with guildies and friends, but that’s like once… a week?

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Occasionally toys

I haven’t played wow “properly” since bfa :melting_face: