What addon was it that shows the battle pet level on the world map?

Hello hello to you all! What addon was it that shows the battle pet level on the world map when you hover the mouse over that zone?

Pet Tracker


Thanks for your tip, but it wasn’t what I thought it was.
I meant it would show that character and pet level by that zone name.

Oh. If I’m now understaninbg what you’re saying, it’s the inbuilt game map itself that says like “Ashenvale 7-30 Pet Level 4-6” when you hover over the zone.

Anyhow, be sure to get Rematch, Pet Tracker, and Battle Pet Breed ID addons anyway if you are doing anything with pets. They are the three essentials.

Yes, that’s what I meant pet level by that zone name, sad that it didn’t show it now anymore I used to have it.

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That message isn’t showing for you any more? Something is wrong there.

Either an addon is suppressing it, or some setting I wasn’t aware of, but can look up.

Disable all adddons and check if the message comes back. I’ll see if I can find what can suppress it.


P.S. Whatever did it, you should be able to get your dosplay back by resetting your UI

Notes: Thet information is retuened by the API
playerMinLevel, playerMaxLevel, petMinLevel, petMaxLevel = C_Map.GetMapLevels(uiMapID)

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