hi guys,
When I play an other toon I always need a sweet transmog for it…
what are some really cool transmogs for hunter?
I’m playing mm hunter atm and I kinda like it.
hi guys,
When I play an other toon I always need a sweet transmog for it…
what are some really cool transmogs for hunter?
I’m playing mm hunter atm and I kinda like it.
My favourite is the sylvanas dark rangers mog and all castle nathria sets and elite pvp SL S1 set
Check my transmog!
/outfit v1 101895,146543,0,146000,101851,0,0,35887,101846,95886,35809,101886,69183,-1,0,0,0
I use it together with pets:
and mount:
The whole thing looks really brilliant together!
VOTI normal + Rasza bow. Like it a lot
I go with an adventurer aesthetic, very befitting a hunter. The Ravenguard hidden appearance for Thas’dorah is gorgeous.
Check mine
Look my transmog, It’s perfect for troll hunter
The one Im currently using is heavily Ohn’ahran Plains inspired and I found it to work perfectly with the High-mountain tauren mount linked below.
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