What are some general tips to get 2000+ Arena rating?

I have always wanted to hit this number for no particular reason. I’m curious what you guys do differently. I’m personally getting stuck at around 1900+ Rating. I am a Holy Paladin, but I also like to play other healers if it fits the team. So what are some general things that high rated players do that people around my rating don’t.

You need to know every class like the back of your hand. An interrupt in the right place can give you a huge advantage in an Arena fight, even as a healer.

Focus always on yourself to get better.
Find a partner Thats not Tilting.
Find a partner that also helps u to improve.

Gl mate

Play with people who are better than you :slight_smile:
Play the right combination of classes.

At +1800 everyone has +500k hp and decent gear, plus the correct corruptions. If you don’t have it yourself it is going to be an uphill battle.

You are going to start facing MLX and RMP teams and the only thing you can do to counter it is play such a team yourself.

Best advice is just keep playing, playing with the same people is ideal but not a requirement. Just spam games and try to ask yourself every game, even when you win… when could you have done better there. Watching other high rated Hpally streams is also very valuable and I encourage you to ask them any question you have.

Good luck!

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