What are some good world pvp classes?

Like the title says. Im thinking of making an alt and I want it to be good for 1v1 or world pvp in general. Im wondering if any caster has a chance in 1v1, outside of maybe mage ridiculing melees since the dawn of time.

Rogue, mage, hunter, druid
those are your best ones

mainly because of Stealth / invisibility options

ret pala can be good too, if you dont mind using “bubble Hearth” and set your hearthstone at the nearest inn


Feral is pretty solid ye.
If you get people by surprise you can take most in 1v1/wpvp.

I’d say dev evoker, mage, good hunter and good aff lock as well as rogues can be a challenge though.

Evoker, forst mage and a good rogue is almost always a loss 1v1 I find.
Evoker and mage got slows you cannot shapeshift out of so hard to get any dmg going before you’re out of time yourself.

Rogue is able to stunlock you, cloak bleeds and deny any new from being applied with evasion while he go all in on you…
Not something you generally live through atm.

But the rest is either 50/50 or in your favor.


Try disc priest, it’s awesome in 1v1. You can win against anything aside from other heaalers or tanks, in which cases it’s going to be a draw as neither of you can finish the other off.


As Ivanka Trump said go disc.
You can 1v1 any dps with ease.

Been having some solid fun with Elemental Shaman lately doing bits and pieces in wpvp as well as the old reliable Rogue.

The one that wont kill a decent Warrior (second wind) :open_mouth:

itt. Feral is the best i guess. Mage is also good but mostly against melee + requires higher skill floor, hunter isnt bad either bcuz of the best damage dealing model in the game but it struggles against classes that can out-survive him at range.

There isnt really a best choice bcuz against good players its often down to rock-paper-scissors scheme BUT i feel like Feral can make the best use of damage/off healing/kiting in a 1v1 scenario.

Plaing UH DK in instanced PVP and blood in open world. Works wonders. As blood ur god in open world, do some serious dmg as well (might even kill some not so great healers).

The first thing is to chose something you like to play and depend on your experience , how hard is the skill cap on the class you want to play.
For example ,rogue is one of the best 1v1 classes ever but in order to play at its best , the skillcap is high, ferals are awesome with also high skill skillcap (changing forms/ cyclone to heal ,re stealth etc . You cant go wrong with a mage .
I, as a ret with my all CDs i usually win against most melees but mages can kite me hard.
Still there are many variables on a outdoor pvp (1v1 , group , jumping on unexpected or getting jumped .) In the end the best class is the one that you enjoy playing as you will become way better than a class that you don’t .

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