Basically if anyone can tell me a list of good places to start farming transmogs in terms of normal dungeons/old raids and places i can start farming after i build up my inventory a bit i would very much appreciate it.I know theres a ton of videos out there and generally posts with stuff like this but a lot of them arent as good today as they were then from what im seeing.So basically id like to know what is still relevant now and what i should go about farming.
Thanks in advance!
Simples! The best dungeons and raids to farm for transmog are the dungeons and raids that have the transmogs you like!
I don’t know why people keep saying that existing guides are “not as good as they were”. Sure, for class builds and gameplay, things change all the time, but appearances … don’t.
Of course, you’re pretty limited as a DH, since there were no class sets for DH before Legion.
Other classes - it depends. For Rogues, for example, the Bloodfang set is very popular - some would say too popular - but the equivalent T2 mage set, Netherwind, is barely ever seen.
All anyone can tell you is to go to the transmog displays
and find the things you like the look of.
Oh im sry i didnt specify i was looking more at the profit side of things,dungeons with loads of BoE’s and rare BoE’s that sell for a pretty penny.Basically some dungeons to start building up my mog inventory and then some dungeons to move to later on/raids.Sry again i didnt specify xD.The good thing is i like some of the BoPs i get when farming mogs so i think i can figure out a nice set once im working on that.Thanks for the effort though ^.^
Ahhhhhh! That’s entirely different!
I’m not an expert on this, so I will refer you to one:
RFK, BRD, and Zul’farrak are his answers, but PLEASE listen to the rest!! He explains why solo farming is not as effective as joing group farming, he explains why you will probably need 500-700 auctions up to see a great return on your time, and just generally puts things in context.
Transmog isn’t a get-rich-quick business. It’s a long-haul business.
If you don’t want to manage a business, but just want some quick pocket money, farm the raw gold from vendoring the drops in WoD raids. Since you can do each raid on all four difficulties in the same week, you can get about 40K just from that each week per character. Add Mists and earlier raids, if you have the time, and you’re up to 50K each week per character.
Ahhh thank you,i know that i need like 700 items at least to start seeing big returns for the time i spent from wtbgold,just didnt know the best places to farm mogs and get my inventory going so thanks for the vid recommendation,i think i might do those wod raids once i get more characters to the 120 point,but till then id rather build up a good business that will bring me daily income if i invest enough time into it.Basically a wow token a month haha.Thanks again for the reply ^^
Well, watch more videos from that guy, because that’s all he does. He seems to genuinely love farming old dungeons and raids. Where WTBGold and others diversify, and grab whatever opportunities present with each new patch, he just keeps making fortunes farming transmog.
I was getting more gold from farming Northrend rares and selling the blue drops than soloing old raids and dungeons, they sold better too. That was on an RP realm.
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