What are the options for a revamp of the Vehicule Action Bar?

I know of Bartender and Elvui but Elvui is way too heavy on my PC, I have a potato that start the cooking process every time I enter Dornogal, and I don’t want to have to install and make major changes just to have the default UI that I like very much. Bartender, I tried but it changes all by Action Bars and the ones I made on the default Edit Mode are just like I want them, and also it took so much of my time that I really don’t want to go through that again on Bartender. My issue is that my Minimap is on the bottom of my screen, right in the middle, and the Vehicule Action bar ( Pet or NPC control ) is hiding like 3/4th of it. Is there, after that maybe long intro, an addon just for this type of Action Bar, so that I can move them, or hide them, or transform them, or resize them or anything ?

All the bar mods I’m aware of replace all the bars, Bartender, Dominos, etc.

That said, its really easy to get bartender looking how you want, and quickly, as you can adjust things down to the pixel.

I’ve dreaded that answer so much xD … Well guess Bartender it is then. Thank you friend :slight_smile:

You can try Move Anything. I think it does not create extra bars but allows you to rearrange them in position, size, number of rows. Also for vehicle bar, pet, stances, bags, etc.

Or just use the default vehicle action bar. You rarely use it, so is it really worth installing an addon for that overhauls a rather big part that you wouldn’t use anyway?

It’s like buying a €3000 PC to play snake.

Well, I managed bt3 and it feel ok to me now ( except for the fact that my actions don’t glow, with bt3, when I leave stealth ( as the rogue I main ) to tell me what gain for the leave stealth but I play this class long enough for it to be more of a minor inconvenience ). Moonlin, when you say default vehicule action bar, what do you refer to ? I don’t remember the name of the quest but the one in ringing deep where you have the control of a cute little robot and have to go through pipes and stuff to mess with the Goblins, this was the one that made me create this topic, in that case the default vehicule action bar was the massive ui covering my minimap ( that i have located center bottom of my screen ).

That’s indeed the default vehicle bar, but it’s not that massive. I have never moved my minimap to the bottom, but that sounds like a layering issue which could probably be solved by 1 or 2 lines of Lua.

Give the bottom map a try, it will change your life x) Yeah I’m kind of shooting my foot with my desires but I got another one so I’m fine :smiley: Thanks for the feedback though, I’ll stick with Bartender for now, at least until I get a better option.

I used to play a game where I had a bottom minimap, it was kinda nice, but the entire WoW UI is made with in mind that the minimap is on top, so it just causes more issues than it fixes. That said, the game I used to play would show mob aggro radius on the minimap so it was actually useful, here I don’t really need it.

It is kind of a whole debate, how much the minimap should show. I mostly don’t use it ( reason it is where it is in my ui ) because I like playing detective and meking my life harder so it is not just “go there and do that”, and now it is really harder as quest npc don’t tell you where to go because everyone use the minimap. I know i miss so much but I really like the puzzle that just finding the quest location is. I still do use it when thing are too hard but if you are bored sometime try no location indication, it might take you like ten time to do what you want but sometime it really is a big satisfaction to figure thing out on your own, I know it is for me :slight_smile: But even if you use the minimap where do you draw the line between utility and cluter, I would not mind if you could choose ( completely ) what you want to show on it but as alway you are limited to what big blizz wants. But again, I play weird, close to my toon, I walk more than run and i’m not even a huge rp fan just like the slow pace and not having to do the “gear treadmill” as Bocklahoma ( great youtuber ) would say ^^