What are the roles of Sw:D, Mind blast and shadow fiend for modern SP?


Like i am genuinely curious.

Mind Blast’s identity seems to have been missing since Legion. Other than the fact it is supposed to generate insanity and ghosts, it doesn’t seem to have any clear place in the rotation.

This is without voidweaver, mind you.

Same with Shadow Word: Death. I think the concept behind it is cool, but its lacking 2 things:

  1. Dealing significant enough damage to justify the self damage (currently you take more dmg than you deal if it fails to kill). The only use i have for it in pvp is the self damage, as it can break cc.
  2. Any other tie to our rotation, save for some mind bender stuff in shadow tree. Speaking of…

Mind bender/shadow fiend.
Used to be a pretty relevant high damage “pet dot”, but other than that it doesn’t really interact with out kit. These days its not even a very significant insanity generator.

Could these abilities be reworked or indeed maybe even deleted to make shadow’s rotation and abilities feel better and more meaningful?


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i dont really care much for Bender, its a semi boring CD - i guess it’s nice flavor .

Death is just undertuned, will most likely be buffed.
Mindblast should hit a lot harder, and for shadow voidweaver the void blast opgrade should be permenant ( also because it just feels so awesome to press )

DP feels good as a spender, but for the PVE scene there should be an AOE spender instead - it makes zero sense that its the only spec in the game without a real choice for AOE spender.
Our defensives and utility are gimped into oblivion, and with the massive Utility and mobility creep shadow is severely lacking behinde.

If every other class gets to have 1000 leaps, teleports blinks ontop of a trilion CC -AND half thier kit being instantly applied damage.
While shadow have 0 mobility, lackluster defensives and be forced to hardcast to do any meaningful DPS… it’s just not good man

Destro and affliction have gotten so many QOL opgrades over the last few years - and they used to suffer from the same issues shadow suffer from now.

Examples being:
Dot dispell protection with a massive lashback from dispelling UA, instant cast Dots ( Jinx for Affliction applies both basic dots, and a curse IN ONE GLOBAL )
Proc based shadowbolts (nightfall) that does both aoe via volley, and intense singletarget damage.

For destro they’ve got procs on they filler, instant cast dot ( currently wither - also this dot currently deals more than shadowword pain and Vamp touch combined )
Basiclly thier entire kit is pure instant cast and dot damage - and it procs thier burst Chaos bolt fast cast via shard spending .

Both lock specs have access to insane defensives, LOW cd shielding and thier Wall which also let’s them immune kicks - which lets them wall offensivly to burst.
And then ofcourse Teleport + speed burst and gateway which is also insane for thier team.

Did i mention spamable cc via fear, a permenant 50% slow on enemies cooked into thier kit, Coil for health and clutch fears, a low CD kick… oh and healthstones ? XD?

The rotation and overall feel of shadow is in shambles, its just to akward to play.
We severely lack QOL stuff such as instant cast DA and instant cast dots ( look at affliction JINX)

I rework and pruning of shadow is much needed, but it seems like whomever is working on the Spec is a mentally challenged chimpanzee …

This is very true it feels like weak when hitting enemy.

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