What are those nerfs and what are those develpers notes?

Soooooooooooooo u are nerfing an core ability that got used like over 2 years now and suddenly its a problem? then pls nerf all covenant abilites or remove them all. But the note from the devs OMG
Additionally, the multiple grips from Abomination Limb created scenarios of unfun gameplay with minimal counterplay in PvP
haha i really needed to laugh, u know what creates unfun scenarios? your patch notes
Spear of bastion as example? creates a lot of unfun scenarios. Or like convoc ? really fun pls nerf them too then mindgames? creates so much unfun scenarios nerf pls … wtf blizz is that note pls
And then with those beautiful Death Strike nerfs wow can i work for your balancing team pls? i mean i know nothing bout balancing so im good there no?
u know a dh is like a half healer? out dps everything but hey lets nerf dk to ground and lets leather wearer or hell even cloth wearer (warlock hhh) be more tanky then a freaking plate wearer ? makes sense
and the fun part is now as a dk i have like 0 mobility but i need to play like a freaking rogue or monk to survive but how? ooooh i know just let dh have all the mobilty and all the heal because illidan lost to arthas yea.
Clueless im not a pro hell not even close but thats obvious trash balancing :slight_smile:


I feel like you don’t know how to deal with Spear or Mindgames if you think they’re game breakers :eyes:

Death Strike nerfs I feel are more related to PvE (or BDK in Arena) but they can’t seem to balance PvE and PvP seperatly :rofl:

Ur not a smart person. Remember that when u talk online.

No i don’t believe the balance to DS are focused on PVE as they specifically nerfed the effectiveness of DS for Unholy by another 50% in PVP

DS was only nerfed in PVP

Oh fair, Thank you for letting me know.

Leviosaah, i have no problem with mind games or spear or whatever. that was sarcasm for the developers note :smiley: what you wrote, could be said to abo limb too :wink:

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