What are we supposed to grind, exactly? Is grinding even allowed?

I’m just really lost as to what this game mode is supposed to be at this point. I’ve been going hard, and it feels like I have barely anything to show for it.

My first character was a Mage, I reached level 70 on day two. Ironically, I remembered the frogs from back in the day, went there and killed a couple, for 10 minutes maybe. There was literally no one else there at that point. That character’s cloak currently has 6690 stamina.

Then I made a Hunter, leveled to max, farmed frogs for a little bit before the nerf, maybe 30-45 minutes or so. Then I switched over to goats and killed them for a looong time, I’m guessing about 10 hours. That character’s cloak currently has 33824 stamina.

I got sick of groups of players tagging the goats before I could so I decided to switch to Death Knight, and I figured I would need to be a tank class to actually solo raids at some point, because that Hunter could barely solo normal Stormstout Brewery, despite all the cloak stats. Yay scaling. While I was leveling the Death Knight they nerfed the goats, so I decided to try Heart of Fear trash instead. It was very hard as a fresh 70 but I just barely pulled it off, and after each time I got a little bit less close to dying, and cleared them a little bit faster. Then the nerf came. That character’s cloak currently has 11564 stamina.

Then I leveled a Priest. That character’s cloak currently has 3402 stamina, and is level 67. I didn’t even touch a quest while leveling, just did every single type of group finder content that would give me one of those new spools as a daily bonus. But I’m all out of those now and honestly…the motivation just isn’t there, man. I saw the crowd farming cranes and spammed Holy Nova for a while, seemed decent but I’m sick of hyperspawn farms at this point, and it’ll be nerfed soon anyway. Went up to the elite Ordon and killed a couple of those, but other than the occasional Champions of the Black Flame spawn, the drops felt really lackluster, not worth the effort.

So, okay, from a game design standpoint, what exactly am I supposed to do at this point? Log off until tomorrow, then sit through another couple of hours of froggers carrying me in LFR to get the daily spools, rinse and repeat for 88 more days? I don’t know about you but that doesn’t sound like fun to me. I really want the Garrosh heirlooms, and I think the best way of getting those at this point would be to just go all-in on the Death Knight, keep farming threads and dumping thousands upon thousands of bronze into upgrading my gear, until one day a couple of weeks down the line where I can actually clear raids, as advertised. But that just feels like a waste of bronze, honestly.

I’m still pissed about the false advertising when it comes to the account wide cloak. That turned out to just be a blatant lie. But since dungeon/scenario scaling is messed up at lower levels, it seems like leveling alts over and over is the best use of your time, despite the cloak not being what was promised. My Priest is currently sitting on 45k bronze, and my Hunter has sunk at least twice as much into gear upgrades and still can’t do anything. I would be an idiot to even care about gear upgrades at this point, right? Of course, if I dump all of my Priest’s into unlocking cosmetics, I would essentially be ruining that character as far as gear progression goes. Boy, that sure sounds like a lot of fun.

I’m trying my hardest to enjoy this game mode, Blizzard. I really am. But you’re making it very very difficult. I’ve sunk almost every waking hour into this since it was released, and I have absolutely nothing to show for it. I haven’t unlocked any cosmetics at all yet, and my first three characters have spent all their bronze on gear and are still nowhere near being able to solo anything, or even at a level that others would find desirable for group content. I guess I’ll take a break, cook some food, then start leveling yet another alt. But I wouldn’t blame anyone in my shoes for just straight up quitting at this point. I’m certainly considering it myself. I haven’t really played Dragonflight that much, but the main criticism I keep hearing is that Blizzard doesn’t really respect your time. And I sure can see what they mean by that at this point.

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I dont think there is anything to grind for right now cranes feel too lackluster just play the game do raid do your dailys stop doing lfr since there are too many wings and regret not havin abused those frogs into oblivion

It is a collector farming event. Everything else (cape, bonus stats,gems, etc) are things to make it easier to farm and enjoy the event.
The final goal is to farm the 1,5 mill bronze and buy the collectors items available during this event: mounts, toys, transmogs and heirlooms.
Some of the toys and mounts are extremely rare and hard to get in retail, like the Eternal Kirin toy or World bosses/Raid bosses mounts. Some people have hundreds of kills and still don’t have the toys and mounts, so this event gives a rare chance for you to get them with 100% chance.
If you are not into collecting then you can pass this event and play retail.

Easy lvl up for new alts.
5 hours for max lvl…is insane .
Mounts… Transmo and some toys.

Also some unique titles for clearing hc/m

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It’s a collector farming event where you have to sacrifice your currency, to buy cosmetics, to buy useless gear upgrades that gets removed after the event is over

am i missing something? i thought the cloak stats were account bound to help lvling alts? am only 68 atm and not made an alt so don’t know. whats the point of 200% xp bonus if it doesn’t transfer to alt.

Oh another one.
Yes we all thought this because that’s how it was on PTR.
But blizzard pulled a little wording W to L and " shared " can mean at any ratio… so since the alt cloak xp power transfer is capped at 12x% or idk exactly, this is what you will start with so the 600% that you may have on main like me, don’t transfer.

Gotta grind it again because everything else would be OP and FUN and thats NOT what this event is about.

Welcome to blizzard games, where W’s get turned in to L’s daily!

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