What are your most useful WoW Toys you cannot go without? (Post your fun useless ones too!)

What are your most useful toys in game? What kind of functionality do they pose that makes them irreplaceable? I’m going to give my list of top toys I couldn’t live without in game. Wowhead links for people who would like to obtain them too!

  • Angler’s Fishing Raft - Obtained in Pandaria for a Reputation farm, this raft lets you fish in open water and also cross long distances of water without sinking.

  • Barnacle Encrusted Gem - Turns you into a crustacean and makes it so you can swim and walk quickly underwater as well as waterbreathe for 10 minutes. Does not work in combat though.

  • Crystalline Campfire - Prettier version of the campire that allows you to cook! I like this one a lot better.

  • Ethereal Transmogrifier - Honorable Mention, either for sale on shop or occasionally comes up on Trading Post. Allows you to transmorgify your outfits even in dungeons or raids while you’re waiting with your friends for queues to pop!

  • Ohuna Perch - Portable mailbox that can be used once every three hours. Good for obtaining that gear you couldn’t fetch after a death in a dungeon!

  • Soft Foam Sword - Helps for when you’re doing quests you’ve already outleveled. It leaves an NPC with 1 HP so you can use whatever quest item needs to be used on them in a weakened state.

  • Stylish Black Parasol - Can’t use a dragonflying mount but need to jump from a great height? Use the Stylish Black Parasol for an easy glide down. Needs to be used from a great height though. (Probably better to use a Gnome Glider)

  • Overtuned Corgi Goggles - Helps in those overcrowded events (Looking at you Superbloom) where rendering that many players creates a ton of lag. Turn the mass of people into corgis, which are easy to render! Works in combat!

And just for fun, I will also mention some useless toys I just like to use just because:

  • Silver-Plated Turkey Shooter - See that helpless sap who has gone AFK in the middle of a quest NPC? Queue the turkey gun! Turn them into a short and delicious turkey every 5 minutes. They’ll never know what hit them.

  • Darkmoon Seesaw - Bored waiting for the rest of your mythic crew or taking the tram from Stormwind to Ironforge? Use the Darkmoon Seasaw! Sometimes comes with bonus Ogre.

  • Lucille’s Sewing Needle - Turkey Gun on cooldown? No worry! Take a chance on this needle and poke those dastardly AFKers to test if they’re a witch. Also works on pranking friends.

  • Hot Buttered Popcorn - Entertained by a great spat in Trade and General chat? Your guild having a massive dueling contest! Get out your popcorn and maybe even share with a friend.

Useful Pets and Mounts:

  • Subdued Seahorse - It is way faster to swim underwater with the Subdued Seahorse. Does not come with waterbreathing, but at least you’re not doggy paddling through drying cement.

  • Creepy Crate - This small battle pet will eat critters around you, about once every 10 - 30 seconds. This works towards obtaining the Critter Kill Squad guild achievement. I’ve killed about 12K creatures between all my alts so far.

  • Chauffeured Chopper - A quick and reliable mount for characters under 10. Does not go very fast, but its better than being on foot.


Mentioned it before but I will again gawd damn it!

/coughs here is my rant

After just resubbing and thinking Hmmm i will give my cool rainbow generator a blast when I hearth back to town and brighten people’s mornings, only to discover they nerfed it to hell.

Im not sure what the retail version is like but the SOD one doesn’t last as long as it did a couple months ago.

I couldn’t see any blue post about the change, only that ST trinkets where changed to normal toys you dont have to equip and they secretly nerfed the crap out it of the rainbow machine

I can only think it’s down to politics / peer pressure from anti gay groups / extreme amount of complaints from offended players that get blasted with it.

I would like to take this time to also clear up something for the children, you cannot be made gay by having a rainbow spell cast on you, it’s does not make you any less of a nerd or affect how “macho” you think you are

It’s just weather :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:

Societies issues affecting my gawd damn freaking rainbow machine"!!!

/rant over

Toys are cool tho :slight_smile: I just treated myself to the retro orb of deception in SOD giant cow turning into a gnome makes me happy for some reason

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Yeah the rainbow nerf really soured my day. My friends and I used to team up with several of them and make patterns around Orgrimmar. It was really fun. Now we can’t really do that anymore.

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Cremating torch. It’s so messy and unhygienic having dead people all over the raid floor.


Katy’s Stampwhistle/Ohuna Perch. I couldn’t imagine flying to a mailbox if I’m out and about in the world.

B.F.F Necklace for my healers so they know I love them.

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the portable transmog toy has been really useful when out in the field, when I get new gear I can just transmog it to my current transmog set without having to spend money flying back to Dornogal or using my Hearthstone back just to spend more money to fly back to where I was originally, it’s also useful as I don’t have any of the mounts that come with built in services.

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Soft foam sword/Whole-body shrinka’ for lowbie quests.

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These are my most used toys :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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I always use this when I go afk

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I like the transmog toy, because you cant always use the mount!

Portable mailboxes are also amazing

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The Transmorpher Beacon and Atomic Recalibrator, though I resent the former for having cost me real money to acquire.

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I use the recalibrator ever day, wish it had a shorter cooldown.

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You can buy glamour from the auction house which let’s you pick which race you get. (2hr cd, 1hr duration).

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Any and all campfires


this for exploring the delves, as some of those walls & drops are kinda hard to see.

this for fishing / moving across water as its just better than the angler raft as this one has no skill / rep requirement in order to use.

this for tagging mobs if your long range attack is on cooldown.

this for trolling while waiting for spawns / events with a bunch of players.

these 2 combined just for fun.

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Thank you everyone for humoring me! I really like these answers and have more toys to farm.

https://www.wowhead.com/item=163607/lucilles-sewing-needle#comments . Ive always had a soft spot for this one.

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The Turkey gun for all those jumping people.

And while not a toy, I use “Inky Black potion” all the time… the game just looks so much better, plus it makes seeing highlighted stuff a lot easier.

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Ancient Amber. It blocks any annoying toy used on you and lasts for a pretty long time.

Meerah’s Jukebox. Reminds us who the best alpacas in all the land are.


The hearthstone from amirdrassil :grinning: