What best 2v2 partner as rogue?

What is better ?
Mage, disc or Rdruid ?

just practice u will develop a proper style and approach and u will naturally develop a preference.
everything is viable but if youre a beginner it would be more easy and more healthy to play with a healer.
Resto and disc are good choices as both do proper dmg and cc.

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The easiest push for Assa / Outlaw in 2v2 is with Disc priest. The Disc needs to just spam damage nonstop while you CC everyone and do your own max damage.

Sub / Mage is much harder as it requires voice and very good coordination, and arguably cannot win a lot of matchups regardless of how good you play, since some specs are too tanky and you don’t live long enough (example facing Demo Warlock, you just slowly die and can’t kill anybody cause of how tanky he is and how much CC he has)

Rogue + Rdruid is good mainly with Assa and Outlaw, but it lacks the damage that Disc brings, so this is a better choice if you are not that good at surviving, but keep in mind your games will be much longer than with a Disc that spams damage

I’m not the rogue, my 2v2 friend is it.
I was wondering if play with him as disc, mage or Druid, as I thought the best choice should be disc.

Disc indeed is good. If the opener is done well, you often land a kill, or force 1 or more defensive cds easily.

Disc is absolutely broken in 2s.

All I saw in 2s till I got bored of it was assa+disc or dh+disc. If one absolutely is set on playing it then go with disc as any rogue and with understandment that the disc is there to do dmg, otherwise theres more suitable classes to heal if they dont know how to enable their disc to cast.

all 3 go well with a rogue, r-druid is a solid healer you can play with most dps in 2’s, same for disc.

lol what. :tipping_hand_man:

Go with a Disc. Rogue / Disc is one of the best 2v2 comps there are.

by far disc when he knows how to do dmg

druid is better when u like the more defensive playstyle, but u will feel that u have less momentum against some comps and will lose in high dampening games.

but to push successfully i suggest to play Disc Assa, it´s also really fun when u both do dmg u see the hp bars from the oponnents are melting

Yes thats what broken means lol, unbalanced, overpowered, etc etc.

Mostly because of the Rogue? Rogues are completely broken, so them paired with most healers is a game changer.

I tried Disc and Rdruid, I got more than 2k with Druid but I’m not able to do more than 1.8 with disc, every time I meet a warrior I’m done

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