What better for solo Wpvp ? Balance or Feral

Hi guys,
I’m doing Arena as resto but I would like to improve an off spec to do Wpvp, what do you think I would have to choose ?
Thank you in advance

I personally wouldn’t pick feral, even tho I actually did… I just wouldn’t recommend it. Have a read around the forums at the comments re: ferals lately, defence is beyond terrible. If you’re doing it within a group then it may not be so bad but solo wpvp as feral is brutal.

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if youre a skilled in feral or melee dps then feral.
if not then boomie.
boomie is more newbie friendly but its a caster, so theres that.
In terms of 1v1 potential and ganking, feral would be doing probably a little better.
As for the whole feral situation… yeah feral sucks in any other content.

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I boosted a feral, the opener is ok fit the beginning but how to survive after? Solo shuffle feels terrible. I’m only in green gear.

Survival in the open world is not too bad and I love Feral in general. I personally take the heal talents as I like them and feel they sustain me 1v1 or 1v2 and with roots and cyclone honestly the kiting and plays are there, people don’t take those talents as they are not meta nor are they listed anywhere.

I have not done any arena and have mostly focused on getting to grips with the druid as I rerolled and levelled on DF release just now am I starting to look for a guild (was an altaholic after I fell out of love with my hunter rip…)

What you need to remember as feral is to bleed and kite don’t try to go toe to toe with a warrior they will eat you alive unless you really out gear them/tbeh have no pvp gear. Get a glider from engineering and do not be afraid to reset the fight and essentially be a bleed bot when you need to be

What I will also add is I have loved druid in general / all specs and they generally feel very rewarding to play to me

That’s my druid (Naze) I’m Song shuffle for the elite mogg. So i want to reach 1800. But rn i could be happy getting to 1000… if there any melee could go toe to toe?
How is feral in jungle cleave?

If you watch snupy on twitch he will give you great pvp answers I would not want to mislead but druid in 3s from what I can see

Jungle cleave is viable
Resto druid is out of this world good right now (and in shuffle too)
Boomie is also very strong

Thats from looking at ranking teams and stat stuff

Snupy I a multi r1 feral
Supatease is a great boomie too r1 multi to watch (YouTube or twitch) for pvp advice

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Snupy is hyperactive young brain, also dude itself is really talented in PvP.
Stop giving him as a universal example claiming feral is doing miracles.
Class is in the gutter itself, and there very few people that master it.
I swear hearing Snupy makes me cringe to the bone.
Mad respect to the lad but stop throwing him left and right in every single context when it comes to feral.
“Oh, Elon Musk did it, so that means everyone can do it.”
Also the topic is Wpvp and Snupy does exactly 0 wpvp content.
Soullscape is good content creator for Wpvp meanwhile.

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