What blizzard should not do

What blizzard should not do is give in to the demands of people asking for the removal of cycle of hatred.

Or other forms of cd reduction for the most part on pretty much any class in general.

Frankly speaking, these people have no idea wtf they are talking about. They are so focused on the “oh but what about uptime” thing that they completely forget the nice feedback loop from this type of gameplay.

So what if you technically lose some cd reduction when you can’t hit boss. In the first place your job as a dps is to maximize uptime to deal damage, your obsession with removing any form of feedback from doing your rotation properly will ruin any class or spec you talk about.

Please just be quiet. You people have no idea what you are talking about.

Kindly, yours truly.

Not so kindly though, if the devs listen to you, all specs would become mind numbingly boring, so hopefully they don’t listen. This type of dynamic cd reduction is really cool, same thing for grand warlock design.

They should absolutely remove it. If demonic uptime is low it can be tuned to be impactful rather than a maintenance buff

I will tell you why you don’t know wtf you are talking about.

First of all, what you are complaining about is not demonic not being impactful, and demonic is not a maintenance buff in the same way that slice and dice is. When you have eye beams up you wanna use it anyway, you’re not actively thinking about keeping meta up, all you’re doing is just your rotation, and trying to stay on target as much as possible.

Demonic is one of your strongest talents in terms of damage, and in terms of gameplay it provides metamorphosis, which has an actual effect on your rotation.

So what you’re complaining about is actually “it’s not doing as much burst as i want to”.

The problem is, demonic is not meant to be a heavy burst button, it’s meant to be a short burst window, that you get regularly.

The removal of cycle would simply make the spec less dynamic to play. It’s also not necessary because there is a way to provide burst damage without removing cycle. And that is essence break. They could simply add glaive tempest to essence break, and increase the duration.

They could also change first of the illidari so it provides actual burst inside of your meta window.

And this is the difference between me and you, you and people who think like you have a mentality of removal, i have the mentality of finding solutions that are actually fun to play with.

And this is the actual problem, the problem is that, it doesn’t matter how good of a player you are, or you think you are, just being good doesn’t mean you’re a good designer.

You people are always thinking about one thing only, how to maximize dps, while completely forsaking actual gameplay.

If blizzard listened to people like you, all specs would lose dynamism, they would all become static, boring, completely predictable garbage that is wholly unfun to play.

Just so you have the perception that you are squeezing out every ounce of dps that you can.

And this is exactly why i hope that no matter how good you are or you think you are, blizzard will never listen to people who think like you.

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Yea, no. I understand what I like perfectly fine and being in demon form all the time is not it. It can’t be awesome when it’s just a maintenance buff.

Is isn’t.

You don’t know wtf you are talking about. End of story.

Be careful what you wish for though, looking at the patch notes, i’m not sure you want to ask for dh changes.

You might just end up with something far worse.

Should always be a choice
Can’t just remove things when a fair amount of the class enjoyers enjoy it
but backwards blizzard an everything
nothing surprises me

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Ill agree with that, as long as they make choices possible to appeal to more players i’m fine with it.

What i am not fine is removing something that is enjoyable for the sake of people who want a static, completely predictable rotation with no dynamic aspects to it.

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I’ve said for a long time there should at least be two clearly identifiable builds

An assassin type playstyle. Momentum high burst but quite squishy with mobility

A brawler type playstyle. Semi frequent Demon form with CDR synergy, tankier but more consistent damage profile and less burst

Maybe a 3rd option around immo and glaive blee… no I’m just kidding I hate that crap

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